Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Westfield Parkway Movies

Istituto Quasar Design University

"Quasar The Institute is the School-Laboratory where theory and practice are intertwined
to ensure training of excellence and rapid integration into the world labor "

Institute Quasar was born in Rome in 1987 by a group of academics and professionals as the structure of education and research within the culture and environment design and visual communication. The focus has always been to work through collaboration with prestigious companies is supported and nurtured through higher education courses, the organization exhibitions, conferences and workshops in different areas of expertise.
The attention that is paid to every single student - who is accompanied during and after the training - is the flagship establishment of Quasar. Here every student is free to express themselves through their own potential and skills that are provided but also learns to be aware of their abilities and use them in ways appropriate to different needs, according to the principle of KNOW, KNOW and DO KNOW BE. The students of the Quasar
receive extensive training through the method of the school laboratory culture and exercise go hand in hand in the application path a stimulating and testing continues.
This allows the development of professionals ready to join operator in the world of work without the need for further training courses. It is a confirmation that companies bring attention to the graduates of the Institute, can also be booked before the end of the training period.

And now a short list of areas which the Institute deals with Quasar:
• 3D animation and virtual architecture

Here is a brief list of strengths that make the Institute Quasar a structure of excellence in design and visual arts, both Italian and European
• Audits continue throughout the year
• Individual care free
• Learning paths from 25 to 2400 hours
• Test for admission and free motivational orientation
• Number closed up to 20 people per course
• PC or Mac workstation individual
• Teaching professionals, technicians and designers to ten years' experience
Classrooms • PC and Apple Mac hardware and software potenziati e sempre aggiornati
• Training Center Apple e Autodesk

L'Istituto Quasar è stato inoltre fondatore – primo in Italia- dei seguenti corsi o Master post lauream:
• Corso professionale in Architettura degli interni, dei giardini ed industrial design (1987)
• Master in Restauro Architettonico (1988)
• Master in Architettura dei Giardini (1988)
• Corso professionale in Multimedia Design (1990)
• Master in Eco Architettura (1998)
• Master in Architettura Virtuale (1998)
• Master in Hypergraphics (1998)
• Master in Yacht Design (1999)

REGIONE LAZIO: Tutti i nostri corsi di formazione post diploma sono autorizzati dalla Regione
Lazio, qualifica professionale valida in tutta Europa. La Scuola è anche accreditata dalla Regione Lazio, ha quindi superato standard qualitativi specifici.
ORDINE DEGLI ARCHITETTI: L'Ordine degli Architetti di Roma e provincia patrocinia tutti i Master di formazione post lauream: percorsi formativi ad alta specializzazione realizzati dai progettisti e dagli esperti dei diversi settori.
CERTIFICAZIONE DI QUALITA': L’organo internazionale di certificazione TUV SUD garantisce il rispetto degli standard europei sulla qualità ISO 9001.
L'istituto Quasar è membro scuole di formazione ADI - Associazione Disegno Industriale. The institute is a member
Quasar training schools AIAP Italian Association for Visual Communication.
The postgraduate Master in Yacht Design is sponsored by As.pro.na.di. Designers Association of pleasure craft, the leading national association for designers of yachts) that are also accredited training centers.

Apple Authorised EDUCATION TRAINING CENTRE: The Institute of Quasar is the only AATCe
Central and Southern Italy: a guarantee of trainers and facilities directly certified by the prestigious IT Services. Vocational training courses protagonists Apple iMac makes annual or short courses for specific training.

AUTODESK AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER: The Institute Quasar è AATC dal 2002, uno dei primi
centri autorizzati Autodesk d'Italia. Tutta la suite di software Autodesk viene insegnata
operativamente con i trucchi del mestiere, da progettisti a progettisti. Con l’utilizzo di PC
altamente performanti e postazioni dedicate.
I Master post lauream in Architettura Virtuale e Hypergraphics sono ideati e organizzati
ogni anno – sin dal 1998 - in partnership con Imago Edizioni, casa editrice delle testate Computer Grafica, 3D Professional, Cinefex e leader nel settore delle pubblicazioni e della manualistica sull'animazione e il 3D.
L'Istituto Quasar è inoltre centro raccomandato da Chaos Group l'azienda internazionale di produzione del software V-Ray per la renderizzazione 3D.

Email: direzione@istitutoquasar.com
Tel 0039 06 855 70 78 - 0039 06 85 30 14 87 / Fax 0039 06 85 83 11 48
Office hours: daily hours 09:00 to 22:30 (Saturdays 09:00 - 13:00)


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