How many special people there in the world? It's strange, but along the way always seems di trovare persone particolari, ricche, che spesso nascondono un dolore o un segreto, persone che sognano, che sorridono, che a volte camminano guardando a terra senza accorgersene ma che ugualmente sanno illuminarti con un sorriso, o forse chissá siamo tutti cosí in realtá, basta solo rendersene conto..
Lontano dal caldo (e...) di Misiones mi sono diretto a Cordoba..detta anche "corazón de mi país" visto che sta esattamente nel centro del paese. Cittá grande (seconda dopo Buenos Aires), ma ricca storicamente e culturalmente. Un bel centro storico, una dinamica vita artistica, la storica universitá e la forte zona industriale ne fanno un polo d'attrazione. Se poi teniamo conto del fatto che a meno di mezzora dalla Serros city are the famous mountains and hills of the Apennines style, bucolic landscapes with streams, waterfalls and crazy hippies who live remote through the valleys .. well I'm at the point the story starts to get interesting! Oh I forgot .. what beautiful girls!
To be honest I have not shot much of the center because I carried away from the street life of the craftsman, and in the company of a couple of uruguayos,
and other young Argentines,
Sore .. cold, so cold, my Brazilian indumentario does not help me much and is the only dress in layers until the next purchase of ponchos and various wool and alpaca in the now neighboring Bolivia.
Determined to continue northward to make sense of the next 30 days, I left 70% of my luggage at a friend's house and are distributed to the north.
This morning I opened my eyes and saw the dawn light the low houses on the outskirts of Tucuman ..
Fortunately we are not at high altitude and the temperature is a bit 'warmer than the south where the winter has already begun through the Patagonian cold winds.
Another day .. and then jump a couple of days .. still there and probably Bolivia and Peru! New magical landscapes and many special people to know the way .. is there, and here, and within us.
A hug
to see more photos click here
ps You should see what sort of starry .. to gape ..
How could you vote for Berluska ?!?!... this is also to remain in the mouth open ..
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