Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Are Lemons Bad For Dogs?

bye linda ..

Well .. after a week of STOP Posadeño symptoms of dengue fever (which has affected more than 40,000 people in Rio de Janeiro alone including four friends, and killed 79 children and elderly from January through today) and have not appeared since the main mission took a route different from the expected, I feel that it is time to move on, arm it and set off once zainazzo of Cordoba, Tucuman, Salta and Jujuy and then .. we'll see.
Just to make you laugh a little, while in Italy there begins the warmth here is beginning to cool and the next steps are all areas in pre-Andean and Andean FREDDOOOO .. so, I'm afraid I'll buy an alpaca superponcho to warm to the point I am!
Yes, again, this is the right thing to do at the moment, not to escape, but to accept and yet remain myself without further destabilize precarious balance.
I reluctantly declined the opportunity to stay here a month or more at a friend's house and the association to resume work from where I left off. And not out of cowardice or unwillingness, to stay with the abuelos makes me feel good, but I know I would not do the right spirit now, I would not be totally myself, totally true.
That must be why they will understand it better go this time .. know that one day not too far away I will review ...

kisses to all


ps my God I just saw here on TV advertising of Argentina addressed Forza Italy Italians living abroad ... chilling ...

Ilu flashback .. how .. you .. you raconterò doco just yesterday made a false hano festina grandparents came because canal 4 to see how they were .. and guess who I check? a remis to download Isa, Mabel, july, Ana, Leo, Pedro and small children .. I figured if I threw it on him .. elated to die laughing .. Ah, of course
Solis house never changes, Simon invited me at home but I took the package, Emilio at the restaurant, Henry falls from the clouds, the club are with food rationing, andrea Sparla a new abuela Don Dutra and complains because he does not want more and think it is a macumba Dora wants you in his house, and Daniela Karina gone, Silvina S.jorge working on, the garden is a wilderness, and the thousand and kids recognize me and many still chiedevono you and Daniela .. nothing .. nothing is for you early appearance in this hemisphere querida ..!


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