Friday, April 25, 2008

Imperialism3 Mediafire

A jump in Salta, and finally in Bolivia

Tucuman Two days have given me the desire to follow the path, peaceful and more convinced than ever. Accomplices of course good company and the beauty and strangeness of the place.
And here I am in Salta, home of Mariela, a member of Hospitality Club , che mi accoglie in casa sua come un figlio oltre che come un amico ed è così che passo 3 giorni in giro per la città principalmente parlando con le persone piuttosto che visitando nel senso stretto del termine. Anche volendo d'altra parte, in queste zone la siesta è sacra e dalle 14 alle 17/18 le strade sono deserte, le chiese e o musei chiusi, e la gente sonnolenta è rilassata e propensa alla ciarla.È così che tra o tanti conosco Carol, che lavora in una pazza casa museo di un boemio d'altro tempi, Pajarito Velarde, e chiacchera si chiacchera parliamo di viaggi, sogni, interessi e di colpo inizia a raccontarmi la sua vita e a subissarmi di contatti di artisti, artigiani, musicisti e attori locali..un dream! Making a phone call and puts me in touch with a potter to give me a quick lesson informal pottery.
The next morning at 9 o'clock appointment with Carla I am the potter, which leads me to his house, he explains in brief the history of ceramics, terracotta and various possible interpretations, then I put a piece of clay in his hand and says, "Make a mask!" I spiazzatissimo .. to making it one to give me an idea, I go to prepare a tea and leave me alone to "create" .. back and said: ".. but is the first time you davverop something like that?! your mask I love it! ". .. Wow
Il giorno dopo mentre vado alla stazione dei bus becco due ragazzi che avevo conosciuto a tucuman e decidiamo andare a pranzare assieme, felici per l'inaspettato incontro..e assuradamente mentre camminiamo per il centro cercando un baretto incontriamo un'altro ragazzo che avevamo conosciuto a Tucuman!Il mondo è una sputo davvero!
La stessa notte sono ripartito per Aguas Blancas, confine con la Bolivia.
Il bus scalcagnato arriva lì alle 6 di mattina, scendiamo tutti dal bus assonnati e intontiti dal repentino freddo gelido. Buio pesto, tutti immobili, mi decido a muovermi e ad andare verso la frontiera, con tre vecchietti prendo un taxi che ci porta fino a un ponte, da un lato Argentina..timbro e via..passo il ponte nella totale osurità, I and three old men in front of 20 meters .. Bolivian side, the officer asked where I saw the mess that I stamped on the passport, tells me that in Bolivia are the 5 and greets me smiling the same smile in the photo Evo Morales behind him. Other
taxi to the center of Villazon (always with the old men who continue to bless and smile) and then with 8 seats in a machine direction Tarija.
At 10 we arrived in Tarija, a warm, unexpected, a bus to the center and 3 hours of rest to recover.
Esco at 2 and the city also known as "La Linda Tarija, Bolivia Andalusia" I colpice the total lack of interesting things apart from the peasant dress with multicolored style bowler hat man
e il colorato mercato centrale.
Delusissimo mi lancio in un internet lamentandomi nel messenger con kalle per un oretta buona.
Cosa positiva, all'hostello conosco un gruppo di argentini che più o meno fanno le mie stesse tappe e decidiamo non perderci di vista anche se non ci scambiamo ne mail ne altro.
Il giorno dopo alle 17 prendo un altro bus per Potosì con la speranza di trovare un posto migliore!
12 ore di bus con un vecchietto russante spalmato sulla spalla e con il sedile rotto che non si reclina, per strade non asfaltate che vanno su e giù da montagne altissime (vedo le nuvole sotto di noi!).
Alle 5 di mattina arriviamo, un freddo canaglia, 4200metri, una cities highest in the world, some go down, the majority takes a blanket and sleeping .. I. .. no blanket and wearing three layers of shirts and sweatshirts 2 (onion) I find myself a seat and twisting me for one hour desperately seeking a comfortable position and crouched at 6.30 .. I can not take more from the sclera, the driver awake, I take my backpack, I drink warm milk from a makeshift shack with a taxi and go all'hostello. The guy at the reception
more fool of me tells me that before I can get 11 delegate in the room so that I can do is find me a corner of sunshine in the yard, cuddle up and read.
I open my eyes, sweating, have collapsed from sleep, are the 11 .. finalmento go into the room and ricollasso on a real bed!
15 hours, I wake up with an excruciating headache, nausea and fatigue .. it is the fault of the altitude, I'm close and I miss your breath, do? Coca Chewing! Ideal solution to fatigue, hunger, thirst, altitude, pain etc. .. a panacea for all purposes!
In the late afternoon I go for a ride around the city to understand where overtaking me .. and the beauty of the place .. at last!
Given the cold my beak ditigo artigianalee market after an hour's chat with the lady on the economy of Bolivia
I left the store armed with a jacket / felposa, hat and gloves, all in alpaca llama wool mixed all .. 'paltry price of 11 €! Fantastic! Warm and
HOSTEL happy returning to the beak of a young Argentinian of Tarija and go to dinner with him.
Day around the city coca chewing and walking slowly to the grief, I enter a museum and I spout 2 other guys in the band .. Argentine lunch together, we turn the city, have dinner with others, and we salute you ( Always leave without addresses or other).
later this morning in a church, as I watch w and a statuette of a smiling Buddha on the altar of a bloody Christ (no absurd ?!?!) a voice .. Save! I turn .. of course, a girl group! While we visit a strange church full of statues with strange expressions, the priest lights a fire (?) In a torch e inizia la Quechua(lingua indigena) poi consideriamo che in tutta la chiesa esclusi io e la tipa ci saranno state al messimo 7 persone!
Bene, un mate con i ragazzi, pranzo al mercato, passeggiata per il centro e adesso finalmente sto aggiornando il blog..
Stasera alle 8 ho il bus diretto a La Paz, un nome che mi faceva ridere da morire alle medie quando studiavamo le capitali de mondo, (a chi non faceva ridere?su ammettetelo!)città grande, zozza, malvagia e con alcuni residui del periodo coloniale, proprio quello che mi ci vuole per disintossicarmi da tutta questa tranquillità!
Da lì le tappe successive sono: Copacabana sul lago Titicaca(anche questo faceva ridere!), Isla del Sol(luogo sacro del periodo Inca),entrata in Perù, Puno, Cusco e poi boh..vedremo.

Pensieri sparsi:
-Freddo maledetto..però che ridere, tutti, e dico Tutti, si lamentano di continuo del freddo!
-In Bolivia viaggi quasi gratis..esempio..pranzo completo 1 euro, viaggiare in bus 12 ore 3 euro, hostel 3 euro, foglie di coca per una settimana 30 cents, internet a 20 cents!
-Nella vita d'hostello sto sviluppando un'avversione a nordeuropei, statunitensi e biondi-faccia arrossata-superequipaggiati-anglofoni..
-I boliviani sono un mix assurdo..a volte sembrano africani, più spesso asiatici tipo tibetani/cinesi/vietnamiti

Bene, eccovi le ultime foto clikka here

A big hug to all


Cominius personal
Pippi-Hun fuck yeah?
-Linda/Ste you can contact me? Send me the contacts of peru?
-Diddiiiii all well ..?

Addenda / what is true

actions, movements, choices and images that seem to flow on a film, a sense of alienation, aberration macho enthusiasm and happiness apparent yes or yes. Sitting on a step of a staircase at the back of the bus station reading, watching two dogs ingropparsi, keep reading, just a moment of anxiety that runs away.
The sun begins to descend on the horizon, una ragazza si siede una trentina di gradini più in basso, la guardo, non penso, guardo l'orizzonte e il sole tramontare dietro le montagne.
Voglio conmtinuare a leggere ma poso il libro e mi obligo a GUARDARE, la meraviglia accade ancora una volta, il sole tramonta, il cielo si inonda di una luce rosso-arancio, poi violetta, poi grigia.
Si accendono i lampioni, la ragazza non è più lì, continuano a salire e scendere anziani, bambini, persone. Ognuno con i suoi pensieri, le sue gioie e i suoi dolori. Non mi chiedo cosa pensino di me, mi limito a osservarli e alcuni di sfuggita intercettano il mio sguardo intenso ma non curioso.
Stimoli fisici dettati dall'inedia appaiono di tanto in tanto ma li ignoro. Riprendo a leggere, I finish a chapter, I put the book in his pocket and went back to the main road.
It's dark now.
noise, lights, exhaust fumes, confusion, albeit that it is certainly more annoying than being in a quiet mountain village near a lake, or sit in a beach losing my mind between a wave and the other or walk a city family window shopping looking for something that is not there. Always something, a point of reference, a focus. I
few steps, I stop, go back, look at a tourist sitting slumped in a bar talking to the girl at bancone.Riprendo to walk in a direction unknown.
I see a light blue .. internet later, change of 3 computers for various technical reasons, I write.
I'm here.
about the place? Language? People or emotions? Import
the life of the guy next to me chatting with a girl who does not know and asks what do in life? Import that is chatting with three girls at once by the same questions?
matter where I be tomorrow? That a girl named Ivanna who lives in a house in the center of La Paz, an ugly green color, wait for me at seven in the morning?
Whether you are worried or is not right, do not give me responsibilities that I do not compete, the importance that I have not asked. Do not try to understand I'm selfish, I really try to understand me. Love me, you, anyone, but really do not imprison, non giudicarmi, non odiarmi e non invidiarmi..sarai capace di questo solo se mi ami davvero, che tu mi conosca o no poco importa. Sappiamo entrambi che è una richiesta che renderà entrambi ricchi, felici, sereni. Davvero.
Cosa sai di me? Le esperienze, la conoscenza, ciò che è stato, poco ha a che vedere con ciò che abbiamo dentro; cambiamo, sempre, impariamo, ci riempiamo di storie e nozioni, ma non facciamo che riempirci senza realmente svuotarci.
Come puoi amare se sei pieno/a di idee, di si e no, se pensi che in fondo ti meriti ciò che hai (nel bene e nel male), che se qualcuno ti ama te lo sei guadagnato e che se ti senti solo/a è solo colpa tua, o solo degli altri.
Ti vedi beautiful / a, you see ugly in, you feel you are someone, you have reached the maximum, you're tired to not want to risk it, do not want to get in the game and you feel attacked / a from these simple words?
letters on a screen, everything goes, this time just like all the years of your life, the lives of everyone. Mine.
Judge? Of course, you can not do this, rest assured in, once I would have charged, but I did not realize was that this judge! Forgive my naivete, my arrogance and false wisdom.
Do you feel guilty at times, maybe now, for something you've wanted to do, for the courage that you would not pull out, but not necessarily would have gone better. We do not know, do not we know it, accept it.
Do not feel guilty, it is not easy to make an effort. The
.. remember is important, but not to live in it, freed from your past admitting, accepting it, he says. Do not be afraid if other's eyes you will not find the answer you expected, that answer exists only in you, you will not find out. Do not fool yourself. Do not fool yourself.
Accept the reality, do not lie, lie about lie about lie about lie and you find yourself living a lie. It is heavy, you feel small, but you look great. You do
compliments, insult you, you say you are this, that you are what they give you a name, nickname, and you implicitly accept it, no counters, and even if they do you feel in your scratched I, a, brick fell, disappeared without touching the ground. How you see it disappear before you know yourself / a? Yes No

not true
Why? Oh


Ask, talk, remember, think of something else and something else again.

Everything continues Continue

The two dogs are just that first ingroppavano sketched out a door of the internet point, I swear, I have no idea how it is possible!

I take the bus

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What Does Auto Antenna Do

Star star, the mountain range is coming! Posadas

How many special people there in the world? It's strange, but along the way always seems di trovare persone particolari, ricche, che spesso nascondono un dolore o un segreto, persone che sognano, che sorridono, che a volte camminano guardando a terra senza accorgersene ma che ugualmente sanno illuminarti con un sorriso, o forse chissá siamo tutti cosí in realtá, basta solo rendersene conto..
Lontano dal caldo (e...) di Misiones mi sono diretto a Cordoba..detta anche "corazón de mi país" visto che sta esattamente nel centro del paese. Cittá grande (seconda dopo Buenos Aires), ma ricca storicamente e culturalmente. Un bel centro storico, una dinamica vita artistica, la storica universitá e la forte zona industriale ne fanno un polo d'attrazione. Se poi teniamo conto del fatto che a meno di mezzora dalla Serros city are the famous mountains and hills of the Apennines style, bucolic landscapes with streams, waterfalls and crazy hippies who live remote through the valleys .. well I'm at the point the story starts to get interesting! Oh I forgot .. what beautiful girls!
To be honest I have not shot much of the center because I carried away from the street life of the craftsman, and in the company of a couple of uruguayos, 3 chileno
and other young Argentines,
I had a strange week, learning a lot of new things to create craft bracelets, necklaces and earrings as well .. to learn a lifestyle that so far as could be imagined vaguely but now I've tried it yourself.
Sore .. cold, so cold, my Brazilian indumentario does not help me much and is the only dress in layers until the next purchase of ponchos and various wool and alpaca in the now neighboring Bolivia.
Determined to continue northward to make sense of the next 30 days, I left 70% of my luggage at a friend's house and are distributed to the north.
This morning I opened my eyes and saw the dawn light the low houses on the outskirts of Tucuman .. and hazy in the background .. here is the appearance of the Andes! Simply wonderful.
Fortunately we are not at high altitude and the temperature is a bit 'warmer than the south where the winter has already begun through the Patagonian cold winds.
Another day .. and then jump a couple of days .. still there and probably Bolivia and Peru! New magical landscapes and many special people to know the way .. is there, and here, and within us.

A hug

to see more photos click here

ps You should see what sort of starry .. to gape ..
How could you vote for Berluska ?!?!... this is also to remain in the mouth open ..

Friday, April 11, 2008

Neo-synephrine For Cats

SqlDataSource, retrieve the newly inserted identity

The theory is when you know everything and nothing works. The practice is
when everything works and no one knows why. two things and nothing works and we do not know why.

Even Albert Einstein was a programmer?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

How Long Does Pulpitis Last

Even Albert Einstein was a programmer? Confirmation

To verify that the client fully download a file from your server, you must implement a page that reads the stream passing through the file and send it to the client. When sending simply verify that the property remains Response.IsClientConnected to True as long as necessary. Here's an example:
Response.Clear ()
Dim b(1024 * 128) As Byte
Dim DownLoadAbort As Boolean = False
Dim f As IO.FileStream = New IO.FileStream("c:\filename.txt", IO.FileMode.Open)
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=filename.txt")
         Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", f.Length.ToString) 
Do While f.Position
f.Read(b, 0, 1024 * 128)
Response.OutputStream.Write(b, 0, 1024 * 128)
If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then
DownLoadAbort = True
Exit Do
End If < f.Length
f.close () If Not

DownLoadAbort Then

End If Response.End ()

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Flintlock Muzzleloader Components

To gain access to the Microsoft Excel file you can simply put all 'object data.OledDbConnection
Extended Properties = Excel 8.0;"
' Connect to the source file
Dim conn As New
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection (strConn)

And to read the contents:

Dim myData As New Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter ("SELECT * FROM [sheet1 $]", strConn
myData.Fill (myDataSet)

And if now we wanted to see the contents in a gridview:

GridView1.DataSource myDataset.Tables = (0).

DefaultView GridView1.DataBind ()

The real problem is that not always know the exact structure of the Excel files, especially those sheets (worksheets) are there and their names , which is important to perform a SELECT data.
One approach would be to use objects. Net framework to access the COM office solution disadvantage, forcing them to have Office installed on the machine, and if it is a web server, it could be a serious problem.
most effective approach is the use of the potential for analysis of the structure of the database OledDBConnection through GetOleDbSchemaTable method.
In particular, after opening the connection to the excel file: Dim

schemaTable As Data.DataTable
conn.Open () = schemaTable
conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables,
New Object () { Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing})
conn.Close ()

and then analyzing the pattern:

Dim sheet As New Generic.List (Of String) For Each row As DataRow
In SchemaTable.Rows If
row! TABLE_TYPE.ToString = "TABLE" Then
fogli.Add (row! TABLE_NAME.ToString ())
End If Next

is obtained the list of pages.

Main topic, I suggest: How To Retrieve Schema Information by Using GetOleDbSchemaTable and Visual Basic. NET

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Are Lemons Bad For Dogs?

bye linda ..

Well .. after a week of STOP Posadeño symptoms of dengue fever (which has affected more than 40,000 people in Rio de Janeiro alone including four friends, and killed 79 children and elderly from January through today) and have not appeared since the main mission took a route different from the expected, I feel that it is time to move on, arm it and set off once zainazzo of Cordoba, Tucuman, Salta and Jujuy and then .. we'll see.
Just to make you laugh a little, while in Italy there begins the warmth here is beginning to cool and the next steps are all areas in pre-Andean and Andean FREDDOOOO .. so, I'm afraid I'll buy an alpaca superponcho to warm to the point I am!
Yes, again, this is the right thing to do at the moment, not to escape, but to accept and yet remain myself without further destabilize precarious balance.
I reluctantly declined the opportunity to stay here a month or more at a friend's house and the association to resume work from where I left off. And not out of cowardice or unwillingness, to stay with the abuelos makes me feel good, but I know I would not do the right spirit now, I would not be totally myself, totally true.
That must be why they will understand it better go this time .. know that one day not too far away I will review ...

kisses to all


ps my God I just saw here on TV advertising of Argentina addressed Forza Italy Italians living abroad ... chilling ...

Ilu flashback .. how .. you .. you raconterò doco just yesterday made a false hano festina grandparents came because canal 4 to see how they were .. and guess who I check? a remis to download Isa, Mabel, july, Ana, Leo, Pedro and small children .. I figured if I threw it on him .. elated to die laughing .. Ah, of course
Solis house never changes, Simon invited me at home but I took the package, Emilio at the restaurant, Henry falls from the clouds, the club are with food rationing, andrea Sparla a new abuela Don Dutra and complains because he does not want more and think it is a macumba Dora wants you in his house, and Daniela Karina gone, Silvina S.jorge working on, the garden is a wilderness, and the thousand and kids recognize me and many still chiedevono you and Daniela .. nothing .. nothing is for you early appearance in this hemisphere querida ..!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Can You Have A Beer When Taking Colloidal Silver?

Asp.Net file downloads Import Excel files, uncover the structure and sheet names

Ajax gives great advantages in terms of navigability, interactivity and user experience to your web application.
One factor that is often overlooked is the reduction of traffic generated from the pages, since only a small part of the page is sent from server to browser. In practice avoids the need to send every time an entire document, but only a part.
Response.ContentType = "application /"
Response.AddHeader ("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename = Report.xls ") response.write

When you press the button the broser return an error message quite clear:

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The Message Received from the server Could not be parsed. Common Causes for this error are When the response is modified by calls to response.write (), response filters, HttpModules,
or server trace is enabled.
We are sending to the browser something inappropriate to the context.
Fortunately around this problem is quite simple:
trigger of our recording in a new UpdatePanel PostBackTrigger related to our download button

\u0026lt;asp:updatepanel id="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
&lt;asp:postbacktrigger controlid="ControlID"&gt;
Se invece il vostro controllo fosse generato a runtime, (es: un bottone inserito in GridView) sarà necessario effettuare al registrazione a runtime, dopo che il controllo è stato generato:


Friday, April 4, 2008

George Foreman Gas Grill

Asp.Net Ajax File Download

Capita spesso di avere la necessità di estrarre dal database un elenco formato dalla concatenazione delle righe risultanti una query.

Per esempio gli accessori di un veicolo, le sottocategorie di una macrocategoria,ecc.

AS DECLARE @ property varchar (2000) select @
property = COALESCE (@ property,'') + description_it + ',' WHERE
from vwCATPROP idcategory
= 1 select @ property as property
And here's the result:

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Blueprints To Build A Computer Desk

Sql server, concatenate a row in a SQL NULL columns

If you happen to create a stored procedure that returns a column concatenating several column base, I would be also noticed that when one of the "parts" of the concatenation is NULL, the result is NULL. Enough obvious, but quite boring like behavior.
To change the behavior of the chain you can use this option declaration

Done! Sometimes it's easy ...