Confusions ramadaneske
SCIAK-o - SCIAK - o - SPLAK! I finally caught a fly bitch .. but here is the attack with the utmost disregard an entire swarm curious and annoying, now you've got it on my arm, now on foot, now go on a camel shit, now you are laying .. in the mouth of the infamous monsters. Now I understand why every night when I go to bed I hear coming from the room of M. the sound of a bottle, not to smell it .. morfeo vape floods the room! "Je les Gas mon ami!" He says smiling and satisfied.
Every day a little battle here in Douz .
All those to whom I spoke of my trip to Tunisia had expressed enthusiastic about my choice, many in fact had been so devoted di consigli visti i loro precedenti viaggi e perfino il tabacchino sotto casa si era dilungato in un'accurata descrizione di strade, luoghi e cose da c'è una cosa che ho totalmente dimenticato, una cosa mlto importante, avevo fatto una promessa a me stesso di non partire più da solo, sentivo di averne avute abbastanza per ora di avventure e sventure in solitaria in giro per il mondo, sentivo di aver conosciuto abbastanza bene il Salvo di prima e di ora e quindi non sentivo assolutamente la necessità di indagare ancora dentro me stesso sfruttando i delirii che solo il viaggio ti può dare, anzi..
Ma l'istinto fa fare scelte affrettate, sconsiderate, l'istinto ti confonde e non sempre seguirlo ti porta davvero dove vorresti andare, when emotions are too strong and continuing troubles force you to make choices, that you can not find you to follow your instincts and nun embark on a new casino just to flee and leave everything behind for a while ', but certainly this is the worst of the premises for a trip in the true sense of the word, I'm at the point it made more sense to leave the club med of Jerba, strafogarmi fresh fish every day, the tourists do marpione be lulled into a hotel and air-conditioned bus up and down the beauty of the country while someone else took care of everything for me. I never would have said but view from here right now it seems to me a dream ..
Hot, hot, damn hot, up to 46 degrees during the day and 33 the minimum night. I knew that there would be hot, but I was deceived for this reason that human intelligence had found a way to survive, stain! The old stone houses are leaving mann hand way to "modern" houses of brick and cement, only to soon gets a little 'good to say, and therefore has no insulation, these boxes of brick, they become ovens in the summer and ice in winter, and I do not say so to say. When you tap a wall and feel that is warm and humid much like a human body and its warmth will radiate cheerful all the time, that's not really the best. Add
cat has to sleep on me, those damn flies, the sand that fills you sheets (covering the whole of continuous grrr), entering through the windows and the door silently with that much-needed breath of wind, the spring on the side of the mattress and the constant coming and going of tractors, machines and cabinets ( scooters such as "hello" / "you") who, with their mufflers buzzing day and night becoming regular guests of my nightmares grotesque.
restless nights, days locked in the grip of sweat, thirst, hunger, still flies, it seems ok a bulletin of war in a refugee camp in Darfur but here is short .. Ugh!
I'm not really in the mood even if he did not understand! In addition
yesterday straw that broke the camel's back .. the other ieri sera eravamo io e M. a casa di un suo amico, Mahmud, a prendere un tè quando Mohamèd (un altro) ci dice che suo padre sta male e deve andare a Gabès per un'operazione solo che dovrà andare in taxi. Consideranzo che suo padre, el Hadji Sidi Amur ha circa 90 anni, ci siamo guardati in faccia e gli abbiamo proposto di accompagnarlo noi.
Fatta! Venite da me alle 3.45 per la colazione...mmmmm....vabbè.
Sveglia alle 3.30 (totale ore di sonno 3..) arriviamo li e iniziamo a mangiare con non troppo appetito onestamente, e quando pensavo fosse finito sto primo supplizio mattutino ecco che esce la Sida, un tipico piatto tunisino per la colazione del Ramadan, una specie di impasto di farina untuosissimo e non cotto ma caldo, fatto a mound at the center of the volcano a quart of oil on the sides and white sugar as a kind of snow. It makes me sick just to think again.
From the first bite I felt something evil insinuarmisi in body but I did not mind the wife of Mohamed and partly I always try to force in sampling new dishes.
5 hours we leave, 300km up and down to bring the old to the doctor, for what? Blood was pouring from his nose and had to burn the capillaries .. you'll understand.
Gabes, desolate landscape, a city left to itself, the beach potenzioalmente could be beautiful, is empty and covered in trash and shells, I wonder why and then in the distance I see an enormous gulf in refinery. Got it.
I and M. we sit on the sand on the seashore, sometimes a dead fish is pushed by the waves, and we continue to discuss, for days now, the value of what we have chosen, the value of spirituality, religion, and ultimately on the same Ramadan. Exit
cigarettes from his pocket, he lit one and I said that "In the shit, J'en ai Marre de ce Ramadan." I admire the ability of the French to send everything to shit.
I look at him confused.
All the way back to the doubts and desires are fighting in my head while El Hadji looks at me upset because instead of listening to the radio for Koran shooting Samba and Tango. I screwed up.
I thirst, I thirst, ho sete, diventa un'ossessione, ho pure sonno ma sopratutto sete, arriviamo con mezzora di anticipo perchè ho tenuto il piede costantemente sull'acceleratore a 120. Ho sete.
Torniamo a casa, mi lancio in cucina e mi scolo un bicchiere d'acqua, una gioia infinita.
M. mi guarda e sorride. A quel punto mangio un pezzo di pane e formaggio..mmm buonissimo, e un caffè, e una sigaretta, e mi faccio pure una pesca.
Ma appena finito di sbaffarmi la pesca doverosamente con lo zucchero inizio a sentire dei crampi, lo stomaco si fa duro, boh, vado a stendermi che tanto sto morendo di sonno.
Mi sveglio dopo un ora in preda alla nausea ma non so dare una causa, la pèche du péché mi comes to mind, fishing for sin, perhaps, but maybe not.
We are invited to dinner at a French a bit 'Rimba, a lot of things very good, although I feel III & IV eat anyway, but just finished a super nausea comes over me. Burp after another comes forward the dizzy, I get up I go, M. is tired and he comes off.
Let's go back, drink a glass of water, I lie down, I go through, I run to the bathroom and vomit dinner, lunch, fishing and soul.
night of doubt, cramps, fever and backache. I was also expecting a bit 'of traveler's diarrhea honestly!
What to do?
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