Con la pubblicazione del testo “La Rivolta delle Arance – Fondi 3 febbraio 1969”, l’Associazione FORUM delle IDEE, presieduta dal consigliere regionale Domenico Di Resta, inaugura una collana dedicata alle “Pagine di storia della nostra comunità”.
L’obiettivo è quello di ricostruire eventi, episodi, momenti che hanno segnato la vita politica e sociale delle comunità locali della nostra provincia.
Il primo lavoro è dedicato alla “Rivolta delle Arance” che portò il 3 febbraio 1969 migliaia di cittadini di Fondi a scendere in piazza e ad occupare la linea ferroviaria, caratterizzando quella giornata con forti e duri scontri con le forze dell’ordine.
L’azione di protesta delle centinaia di contadini ebbe una risonanza nazionale: se n’occuparono tutti gli organi d’informazione e importanti quotidiani nazionali dedicarono la prima pagina a questi eventi.
La protesta dei coltivatori arrivò nelle aule parlamentari alimentando un confronto che vide impegnati autorevoli diversi esponenti politici a cominciare dall’on.Pietro Ingrao.
La Ghosts of oranges is an original and important episode in the vast movement of struggle that saw, for the period 1968/69, the rural South of our country. A key event for the community of Funds, decisive watershed for economic, political and social life of this city.
disorders are the culmination of a period of profound difficulties from the historic snowfall of 1956, characterized the community Fondane. A crisis, not just agriculture and the economy of funds, but especially the prospect of a community that feels the danger of decline and try to respond hard and desperate (a few months earlier, still a block rail for each hospital).
On February 3, opens new avenues for development funds, often contradictory, leading to exacerbate the divisions and conflicts within the community, as the story of the management planning, with choices that time that still fuel the political debate today. Or the MOF, which as it becomes an international giant, is accompanied by controversy hard by a web of economic, political and institutional factors have never favored the identification unit from the community.
But going beyond the ratings of individual aspects, it is with moments of history such as the revolt of the oranges that you begin to outline the economic scenarios, political and social issues that accompany funds until the mid-nineties.
The objective of this publication is to make available to those who lived through that experience and those who may not even know the existence of this incredible story of Funds "day of rage and fight," a series of documents, materials and evidence useful to reflect on the history of their community.
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