Thursday, January 29, 2009
Raylene Richards Lesbian
Kate Playground Barefoot
Con la pubblicazione del testo “La Rivolta delle Arance – Fondi 3 febbraio 1969”, l’Associazione FORUM delle IDEE, presieduta dal consigliere regionale Domenico Di Resta, inaugura una collana dedicata alle “Pagine di storia della nostra comunità”.
L’obiettivo è quello di ricostruire eventi, episodi, momenti che hanno segnato la vita politica e sociale delle comunità locali della nostra provincia.
Il primo lavoro è dedicato alla “Rivolta delle Arance” che portò il 3 febbraio 1969 migliaia di cittadini di Fondi a scendere in piazza e ad occupare la linea ferroviaria, caratterizzando quella giornata con forti e duri scontri con le forze dell’ordine.
L’azione di protesta delle centinaia di contadini ebbe una risonanza nazionale: se n’occuparono tutti gli organi d’informazione e importanti quotidiani nazionali dedicarono la prima pagina a questi eventi.
La protesta dei coltivatori arrivò nelle aule parlamentari alimentando un confronto che vide impegnati autorevoli diversi esponenti politici a cominciare dall’on.Pietro Ingrao.
La Ghosts of oranges is an original and important episode in the vast movement of struggle that saw, for the period 1968/69, the rural South of our country. A key event for the community of Funds, decisive watershed for economic, political and social life of this city.
disorders are the culmination of a period of profound difficulties from the historic snowfall of 1956, characterized the community Fondane. A crisis, not just agriculture and the economy of funds, but especially the prospect of a community that feels the danger of decline and try to respond hard and desperate (a few months earlier, still a block rail for each hospital).
On February 3, opens new avenues for development funds, often contradictory, leading to exacerbate the divisions and conflicts within the community, as the story of the management planning, with choices that time that still fuel the political debate today. Or the MOF, which as it becomes an international giant, is accompanied by controversy hard by a web of economic, political and institutional factors have never favored the identification unit from the community.
But going beyond the ratings of individual aspects, it is with moments of history such as the revolt of the oranges that you begin to outline the economic scenarios, political and social issues that accompany funds until the mid-nineties.
The objective of this publication is to make available to those who lived through that experience and those who may not even know the existence of this incredible story of Funds "day of rage and fight," a series of documents, materials and evidence useful to reflect on the history of their community.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Carly Patterson Leotards
8:06 in the morning I look at a man of about thirty centimeters (size screen) become purple trying to answer a question from an absurd postagli greedy octogenarian with weight problems, and it is clear that it will be forced to give him an answer, stoically holding back the desire to send him to hell, but to comply with the format of which is a spokesman today.
Alone, locked in a bizarre prison of emotions, memories and rubble, the daily struggle against the automatic process of hype and suicide brain that we are all exposed, but that has immediate and lasting impact, before everything on the most vulnerable and at the same time the most important of the population.
Millions of housewives, that I refuse to summon housewives, retirees, that I refuse to call elderly, unemployed, sick, lazy and evening work, are called every day to attend schools on the media for the daily lesson in common sense.
How many of you / us would be able to scream, insult, kill, betray your partner, watch a porn movie, etc.. in the time period that goes from 7 to 11.30 in the morning?
sure as you go "awakening", the instincts are awakened also, and perhaps we are already at about 10 animals in all respects, but it reflects more accurately, everything that we are fed, they arrive in a time slot well calculated.
a very early morning news of the day, hundreds of deaths here, a thousand there, the economic crisis, unemployment, political corrotti, manovre di governo nella maggioranza o nell'opposizione, qualche sbarco a Lampedusa e di conseguenza le nuove politiche anti-immigratorie. Per finire in bellezza un numero imprecisato di gol, medaglie e fratture. Meteo ed Oroscopo come ciliegine sulla torta. (tra l'altro..non ho mai mangiato una torta con sopra una ciliegina).
Considerando che il 90% di noi alle 7 di mattina ha appena una vaga idea del fatto di essere sveglio e di non star sognando, e che il confine tra vita/morte e sonno/veglia sono ancora troppo ravvicinati, capiamo come già alle prime ore del giorno dei messaggi entrino nelle nostre menti e li stagnino aspettando i giusti richiami.
Non parlerò di chi esce di casa per andare a scuola o al lavoro.
Parliamo instead of those who remain at home for any reason. About 8
begin on the various television networks, a series of programs of pure "entertainment" with the alleged purpose of education, and as if to continue the school curriculum, we "teach" what is right and what is wrong, gives us the lessons of history, geography, politics, and above all home economics and cooking.
Most of the things that has little meaning unless related to a larger discourse, but by design every space has a limited time, so that the viewer is unlikely to have the opportunity and time to reflect on what has just been said, can ask questions (if not waitin on the phone to be passed in the unlikely event live ..) may not ask whether what they are inculcating sense or not, which is already being pressed by far and the voice of the announcer on duty overlaps with his thoughts and his wishes.
To give a semblance of credibility to the whole, is periodically interrupted by raids of a few minutes of news, always ready to shoot you in the face of few dead or wounded, and tend to thicken more and more the call that we made on the heart.
Words bagpipes sense now of how many we have heard we select
1 dead 2 dead
a car bomb killed 50 wounded 600
a missile
.. Refugees
Imaginary figures that change only the face, color and country from time to time.
The day continues, noon comes, it comes to food on every channel, the arguments become more frivolous as a VIP wedding, a son, horns, holidays yact, models and entrepreneurs. People smiling, showing you her tits and has a lot more money than you and so does everything that you dream.
you see in magazines is, on TV, but we still have the culture of the picture story short, they are all stories, they do those things but does not bear upon them the real life morality .., In short order .. entertain us while we wash the dishes, stretched, or cook for our family. U.S.
sure we're different, we have to live like this, with the sweat of the brow. But really we can do it!? Roll out a living.
do not know how to react, thousands and thousands of employees every day to stay home, cassintegrati, a word heard literally millions of times. Rarely makes you wonder then that these people, is home to a couple of days depressed, see your wife and do his stuff on the couch while watching TV (..)
And then there is only crap on TV. Hours 13:00 to 14:00
TV News
a go go.
Some programs are once again captivate their wives with stories of dubious morality, others have to keep thinking good cartoon kids and teens, and soon after a nap while the kids are, they entertain teenagers (who refuse to nap because I'm older now) until 17.00.
"Then go beyond .. leave me alone, let me hear here (my hand automatically grabs the remote and turn up the volume without even looking in the face of the speaker).
"What we bought to make another TV if I can not vedermelo in peace?"
"Go and do your homework" (the greatest punishment).
at 18.00
Now let's be serious, if you have not so far done nothing but watch TV, you do not produce anything, you're bored of the useless animals and even us which fields on your shoulders. Now I get bored so go do something good .. what else goes down here and everything is all at home for real!
hours 19:30
Bravi product you .. here's a bit 'of humor to relieve fatigue.
hours 20:00 to 8:30 p.m. We're back to the dead and the misfortunes
20:30 to 21:00 hours
policy nibbled corners left and right.
Paaarapapaaapaaaaaa here's a good movie, you deserve a break,
for insurance premiums, allow us to exist and you exist as you are, this evening we offer a shooter .. .. a real man's movie love to awaken the romance in all of us .. a beautiful and classic white black? A children's film that makes us smile all oooo .. o.. .. But if you want there is also a nice variety, or an endless string of entertainment programs in which we can give you money .. a lot of money, tips healthy and beauty for those who just want some general concepts of culture, the little 'enough to solve the puzzle of the comic that we offer you free information railway stations or on street corners and darting almost afraid of the "delay" to your "occupation". Enjoy.
at 23.30
At this point you should be exhausted dear friends .. have a little 'strengths? Safe? Ok .. you wanted the night .. .. TG beccatevi a couple of deaths before going to bed so that the ch'avete soundproofing and a couple of hours and you wake up you look at the little girls on line dellechat regional tv or if you are willing to find a Filmon on 4 .. or na beautiful replica of the "Strip"
while your forked tongue yearns for a bit ' energy. The red dot of your heart is out ... or TV ... as I do without you .. Thank goodness there
PC ..(!)