Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Degenerative Arthritis, Ankle

Right to Live = The Right to Die

Fiumi di parole, striscioni, manifestazioni e discussione d'ogni genere si sono sprecate anche in questi giorni riguardo al caso di Eluana..e più in particolare sul tema del diritto alla vita..e del diritto alla morte.
Non mi dilungherò su quei fatti, ma parlando in prima persona sento di poter affermare con certezza qualcosa.
Non credo possa esistere il diritto alla vita se non viene rispettato il diritto alla morte.
Per spiegare questa affermazione basti pensare a una cosa..immaginate di trovarvi davanti una persona a voi cara..un vostro nonno, un genitore, un amico..che si trovi nella condizione di "sopravvivere" solo ed esclusivamente grazie a dei macchinari o dei farmaci.
Sure you could make thousands of distinction .. if there was the possibility of a significant recovery, especially when it comes to young people, are certainly the idea that the end justifies the means, but always and only if the intellectual capacities and physical subject are not unduly compromised or even better to be able to recover.
But we put the case of a person, maybe that has her age, forced to take 10 pills a day .. one for the heart, one for osteoporosis, that of diabetes, to increase circulation, the pressure, for this or that .. and that objectively would die without the drugs, but at the same time would ease his dying incurable problems.
Everyone is "officially" free of the evil that wants to be sure, but if this person is just tired and do not take it anymore .. because I never give her operations, require intensive assistance to that totally violates your privacy and all his liberty (even if the fact of having to be washed by a stranger who sees your body as an object). Being forced to eat, to drink, to do anything .. get daily humiliation of looks painful to undertaker you dig the grave while still breathing.
Macabre vigils kept alive on a body to be able to mourn VOLUNTARILY ..
Poverino.Poverina .. .. how much pain which makes us can be reduced as well .. but alas .. do you feel? Sengni gives? How are you since yesterday? What does the doctor?!
Try to imagine living like this .. you heard all these stupid phrases from friends relatives and acquaintances at your bedside and although they would like to smash his face to the crutches, you do not even have the strength to say ENOUGH.
not fair, this is not life, Checa they say .. and those who have something to argue, well certainly hope this does not end but we can hope to better reflect and realize how absurd it is immoral and a vision " feel-good "of life ..
Loud cheers at any cost .. .. .. I 100 years have reduced na shit 6 bypass and plastic that looks like a 30 year old got 100 years .. with pharmaceutical companies, thanks to plastic surgeons, grazie creme miracolose..



quì da noi quando un'anziano muore si dice: "Arrifriscàu" Trad. "é Rinfrescato"(si è liberato)



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