Sunday, May 25, 2008

Flaky Cervical Mucous

careful talking!

Day 13 I wrote the previous post .. I had a clear vision of what could happen .. and the next day, with an alarming I find myself living those moments, those sighs ..
Living each day in the same way trapped in an ethical and emotional prison that leaves no way out that does not cause pain to someone. Promises bigger than me, contacts, small leaks and sweet return, nights of waking up in honey and tears. Silences, glances, kisses, complicity and distance eternal unbridgeable, experiences, joys, sorrows, lies and truth.
Questions, answers, questions, silences.
I love you.
Even I. ..
smoke, cough, and still put out a fire in a glass.
I go to the bathroom. Seeking a solution on the cup .. then I take a shower and under the strong jet scalding I try to forget.
No matter what is done is done .. hopefully good ..

Part of what I have written has already happened, part I think will happen soon. Do not worry anyway. Unless

coming .. get ready!


Monday, May 12, 2008

East Side Story Collection

Prophecy sensualisticodelica

Shade, rays of light through the darkness, smoke in the air, too, burn my eyes, but also come on a butt. The same rhythm
electronic beats incessantly and makes us move in a repetitive and bored as actors in a bizarre reportage of the RAI abuse of young people today.
A pulsating light enlightens us, illuminates his face, it is setting.
I look at it a moment of escape, I turn cowardly and after a moment when I turn around and try instinctively in the crowd. Curious. Hungry.
There she is, she is smiling to another, he is rubs on him and he takes her hand, the talks closely, touches her face, hair .. all of a sudden she departs abruptly, he pretends not to understand, laughs I stupidly and in that exact look with intense lightning. Curiosa. Affamata.Sfuggo afraid to turning around his eyes again. It gives me a shove. I turn and look bad and she slaps me laughing. My body stiffens and relaxes at the same time.
takes her hand, then another, I paste it on to you, my forehead against his, our eyes, our noses, our mouths almost touching.
I feel the smell of her skin, her breathing labored. Tension and excitement are mixed.
She bites her lips and pushes me back with a look of scorn and complicity gives me back.
get stuck, our copy fit, our hands are playing, shake, scratch .. my fingers sliding on his own, glide over his skin, his hands shaking ..

but-Hey are you there? but what are you thinking?
I feel that I shake hands again .. I get back to me ..
-Ehm ..?! No no no, I'm just tired ..
-You always say so .. but what did you do last night?
-No darling, I went dancing with friends, nothing special ..
says his hands, so similar ... so different ... the touch, the caress still in disbelief, I feel the warmth, softness, good color .. the look in your eyes ..
-What are you looking?
-You fool! I waited a long time now .. and honestly did not think that would never come;
smiles, looks at a child sitting on a stroller, he smiles, looks at me, the kiss, of course. Absurd.

sigh-So? What are you doing?
He looks doubtful now, waiting for an answer that I do not know her. Sigh

noise cups, fixed the forgotten cigarette that is smoked on its own.

-Au but why do not you speak?
-can not hear you! Are you talking about? "No excuse
grandmother, is the connection ..
-But then you tell me anything? What are you doing there?
- But no, the usual ..
Eat-ah! and be careful who you often see with someone .. perhaps?
No-nooo .. I do not have the time .. studio all day!
Oh good, be careful, however, look There are a moment to say "are pregnant ..", and votes will coli offrunu cigarette na, na beer ..?
Noooooooooo-grandmother quiet ...
-E when you come back?
-Shit, but how many times I told you ?!?!?!
-matruzza Bedda .. yes I know but I will not do so alone and I am old and I forget everything now ..

Puff .. I look around, I put my hands over his face and close my eyes

I open my eyes, a white wall. I close them, I turn in bed, I open them and I only see myself in the mirror

And you ..? what will you do? I will do?


Friday, May 9, 2008

Calories In Smithfields Bbq Sandwich

U-turns ..

L'ultima volta che mi son fatto vivo stavo a Potosì..continuiamo la storia..
Una nottata in un bus scassato mi ha sbarcato nella pazza La definitiva facevo bene a sghignazzare da piccolo..è davvero un posto pazzissimo.
Altitudine che ti ruba l'aria, traffico e smog che ti bloccano quel poco che riesci ad inalare, odori, rumori, moltitudini di persone e pollo fritto ad ogni angolo..un inferno tremendamente affascinante insomma!
Beh..non ho davvero voglia di raccontare bla bla bla..è così..che racconto a fare "ho visto questo" "o conosciuto tizio/caio"!
Dirò solo che la vita in Bolivia era supereconomicissima..cambio euro 1-11.30! cioè con 2 euro ci paghi l'hostello..con a € a lunch, a sweater with 5 and 7, the bus that takes you across the country .. fantastic! People
superinteressante this .. but I decided that I would not have spoken!
Anyway .. so handsome .. yes yes .. new project ideas and contacts made even if they are always full of doubts and pressures that I overlap, we'll see! Anyway .. after
uijna long chat in a remote village where I went with a group of friends to see a party pachamama / religion for the harvest, I decided that I would not have continued our trip further .. and so the plans change again I pulled the Argentine pack waiting for me on the island of Lake Titicaca.
But a little voice told me that now I had not time to go from there .. and in perù ecc..sono stanco in realtà del "viaggiare" per muovermi e vedere e conoscere, sono sovrassaturo di emozioni, esperienze, foto e cose che si sono accumulate negli ultimi sei mesi e penso sia meglio passare questi ultimi giorni in totale relax passeggiando per le strade di Buenos Aires, una città che ti fà sentire "a casa", leggere un libro in un bar bevendo un caffè, mangiare con calma e osservare la vita partecipandovi con moderazione!
Stanco ma felice e rilassato, adesso scrivo da Cordoba dove tra una grigliata con Marzio e giri tra artigiani e pazzoidi passerò questi giorni fino a lunedì.
Poi un paio di incontri e via al relax!
Bueno..visto che non ho raccontato praticamente Bolivia's nothing .. I leave at least an idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture for you! Click here

Kisses large


On June 2 arrival at the airport of Venice ..

This cat was stuffed into a car and the boys went around the city at 2 am to make him a ride!