Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ewd7003 Changing Region

pre Christmas

Where am I? because I'm gone? What I have to say now?
As many will know by the end of September I moved to Sicily in the "charming" Misterbianco, a small town (60,000 inhabitants of now) that gave birth to most of my relatives and ancestors dates from immemorial ..
Why am I here? I wonder every time something goes wrong in a few words .. well my grandmother is sick and being the last link of my noble birth I find myself having to deal with all family members Rogne silently accumulated over decades of careless management of the house and any movable and immovable, then the sleeves rimboccatemi I had to put in banks, notaries, lawyers and nursing homes.
as I was, and pieces began to fall on top of home plate in a surprise when I got up from the table to go to the bathroom, I have also seen fit to embark on an adventure to save the salvageable building and modernizing both modernization to give a healthy profit and a minimum to my beautiful house.

Unfortunately my mood depends on the mood of my grandmother, which from its nearly 88 years and a rapid increase in Alzheimer's, decides arbitrarily to influence my days ..

But worse is that often pate all pissed off early in the morning .. (but I do not believe you just shut the fuck spells pc old!) and I spend the whole day to prepare myself psychologically to fill with insults and make her feel like shit for free that I reserve the evil .. but then when I get them to smile and does not remember anything and at that point what do you do?! You already fucked! Grandma
aside, ups and downs in mood and in everyday life is constantly happening.
After a month I was going to go crazy here I felt the urgent need to flee, to detach, to take a break from it all and also by myself .. and that's how I took advantage of a call and found myself once again in Turkey (for the first time in the air by the way!), the marriage of My dear friend Omur hotel in gray with George and scented shops .. air, bus, courier, taxi, one night on a couch, one on another increasingly disjointed but happy .. to share moments with people I love and I can stand despite my unstable psychotic as a traveler.
But he could not end like this .. new shocks waiting for you always when you least expect, and indeed even when you call them.
And I am happy in spite of everything because we think that makes sense.

Then I came back, a brief foray Padua Dabba's birthday fell in the days of waiting for the second volo..e di nuovo Sicilia.
Pietro, la mia macchina, gli impegni, il parcheggio che non si trova mai nelle strette strade a senso unico di questo paese dove tra strisce blu, passi carrabili e posti handicap se trovi un posto devi accendere un cero al santo..

E poi mi ritrovo ad emozionarmi di cose che fino a poco tempo fa non mi toccavano minimamente, nuove incredibili sensibilità si risvegliano e nn ci trovo un senso ma insomma..vabbè emozionarsi davanti a una foto come questa dove Ataturk il vampiro diventa un uomo come tutti gli altri con tanto di pieghe sulla panzetta e tettine molli..e vabbè emozionarsi nel vedere dei muratori distruggere mattone per mattone part of the house that your great-grandfather had built .. but excited to see the monstrous mall Etnapolis (poetically defined by the creators and sarcastically "City of Time Regained" ..) and I'm serious!
Paternò night I walk back from the slow road to not peck another penalty for speeding, and passing at the center of the huge you would not throw the eye and the dark of night, illuminated by his lights like stars in a sky tediously sorted vertical glass seems so fake and perfect, but the moonlight penetrates beyond those curious windows and exposes the poor beast of concrete glass and steel stripping l'opera in elementi così semplici e netti da colpire l'occhio abituato all'estrema varietà del creato.
Come dire che un grigio palazzone di cemento in realtà e molto più comprensibile e semplice di un fiore e in ciò si nasconde una bellezza compassionevole.
Chissà forse è solo un mio delirio visto che è sempre notte fonda quando lo vedo così..ma ogni opera umana nasconde questa umile semplicità e per quano ci sforziamo di fare cose complicate le nostre menti hanno un limite, mentre la potenza creatrice della natura non ne ha. Poco da farci!

Ok sto per crollare dal sonno e dal freddo..auguro a tutti un Buon Natale e buone feste..e sopratutto ATTENTI AL CAPODANNO!



(vi ricordate che erano semiti..e che credevano in un UNICO DIO..?)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Diagram Spring Line Tying Up Boat

Asp.Net MasterPages: Link dynamic js file

If by chance you happened to receive tens of emails with attached files to be saved ... Well, Outlook is not on our side and we do not even help a little.
Luckily there are macro!

Sub SalvaAllegati ()

Dim i As MailItem For Each i In
Application.Explorers.Item (1).
Selection Dim a As Attachment For Each a In
a.SaveAsFile ("c: \\ temp \\" & a.FileName )

Next Next End Sub

Create the macro, select the email with attachments to be recovered and run the macro.
Go to the destination folder and find the saved files!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cook County Apartment Lease

want to go home .. the house where?!

Dagli abissi della mia memoria due sere fà andando a letto appaiono delle parole..voglio andare a casa..una vecchia canzone che oggi sembra avere un senso per me.
Come sempre alle nuvole seguono i raggi più splendenti di luce e dopo la pioggia germogliano i fiori di una vita nuova.


(sto sorridendo)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Turf Aerator For Sale


Un sacco che non aggiornavo il blog..dieci giorni che son partito e per molti scomparso..da un giorno è Ramadhan .. finished the projects I do every day and if I can send them by air only because if I wait just a little 'life will look worse or my grandmother made me feel like shit again and send me the urge to fuck everything and all serious and disappear. The desire for peace

desire to be damn quiet without pain in the ass it unnecessary and repetitive questions
Want to understand the meaning of
albeit that desire to be understood at least occasionally
want to discover all that I have been hidden for too many years people
only way you can put a lid on many things. But until you know how I felt free from the burden of the past?
desire to create physical barriers

Ostacoli morali
Notti che non finiscono mai e rivegli stanchi e intorpiditi
Bagliori di felicità e poi disgustosi nuvoloni umidicci di bava e monzogne

In parole povere più cerco di sistemare problemi non creati e non voluti da me ma in cui mi ritrovo a causa della stupidità di altri, più mi sento preso per il culo.
La pazienza ha un limite e la morale si dissolve davanti la cruda realtà.

Per cercare di calmare anima e corpo e riempire vuoti d'altro tipo mi vizio e mi dedico al giardinaggio.
In più a farmi ulteriore compagnia e darmi impegni adesso ci sono anche 4 galline e un galletto
che almeno danno un po' di vita is at home .. even if scacazzano left and right.
Ribecco If I can connect the close tomorrow or the next day I put a couple of pictures ..

Eid mubarak



Padre Pio scares me and here is a veneration and worship of his image disturbing ..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How To Connect External Device To Tv

Office Outlook 2007 to save the attachments of an email group.

When you run an INSERT INTO SqlDataSource object through the features, perhaps related to a FormView, can be very useful to go back to the key just entered in the table.
Of course I am referring to a table I have an identity as a key field.
Here's how:


Name = "NewID" Direction = "OUTPUT" Type = "Int32"

Now event Protected Sub SqlDSClient_Inserted you can retrieve the value:
e.Command.Parameters ("@ NewID ").

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Skype Multi Person Chat

Let's start again ..


Monday, September 1, 2008

Stereo Receiver Review

Day 1 Ramadan 1429

Ramadan Mubarak!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Degenerative Arthritis, Ankle

Right to Live = The Right to Die

Fiumi di parole, striscioni, manifestazioni e discussione d'ogni genere si sono sprecate anche in questi giorni riguardo al caso di Eluana..e più in particolare sul tema del diritto alla vita..e del diritto alla morte.
Non mi dilungherò su quei fatti, ma parlando in prima persona sento di poter affermare con certezza qualcosa.
Non credo possa esistere il diritto alla vita se non viene rispettato il diritto alla morte.
Per spiegare questa affermazione basti pensare a una cosa..immaginate di trovarvi davanti una persona a voi cara..un vostro nonno, un genitore, un amico..che si trovi nella condizione di "sopravvivere" solo ed esclusivamente grazie a dei macchinari o dei farmaci.
Sure you could make thousands of distinction .. if there was the possibility of a significant recovery, especially when it comes to young people, are certainly the idea that the end justifies the means, but always and only if the intellectual capacities and physical subject are not unduly compromised or even better to be able to recover.
But we put the case of a person, maybe that has her age, forced to take 10 pills a day .. one for the heart, one for osteoporosis, that of diabetes, to increase circulation, the pressure, for this or that .. and that objectively would die without the drugs, but at the same time would ease his dying incurable problems.
Everyone is "officially" free of the evil that wants to be sure, but if this person is just tired and do not take it anymore .. because I never give her operations, require intensive assistance to that totally violates your privacy and all his liberty (even if the fact of having to be washed by a stranger who sees your body as an object). Being forced to eat, to drink, to do anything .. get daily humiliation of looks painful to undertaker you dig the grave while still breathing.
Macabre vigils kept alive on a body to be able to mourn VOLUNTARILY ..
Poverino.Poverina .. .. how much pain which makes us can be reduced as well .. but alas .. do you feel? Sengni gives? How are you since yesterday? What does the doctor?!
Try to imagine living like this .. you heard all these stupid phrases from friends relatives and acquaintances at your bedside and although they would like to smash his face to the crutches, you do not even have the strength to say ENOUGH.
not fair, this is not life, Checa they say .. and those who have something to argue, well certainly hope this does not end but we can hope to better reflect and realize how absurd it is immoral and a vision " feel-good "of life ..
Loud cheers at any cost .. .. .. I 100 years have reduced na shit 6 bypass and plastic that looks like a 30 year old got 100 years .. with pharmaceutical companies, thanks to plastic surgeons, grazie creme miracolose..



quì da noi quando un'anziano muore si dice: "Arrifriscàu" Trad. "é Rinfrescato"(si è liberato)


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fix Hole In Aluminum Boat Silicon

Trafficante of emotions (in traffic transiting emozionalautomobilistico)

Dovrei essere già a nanna ma aspetto di digerire i burritos di stasera..domattina sveglia alle 5 e tutta la famigliuola in macchina (io, mamma, fratellini, gatto e 6 pesci) pronti ad affrontare il terribile "esodo estivo"..ho già i brividi..caldo afoso, grida di bambini, il gatto che si caca addosso e appesta l'abitacolo, mia Mom crying, millions of cars and blah blah blah .. so I'll drive you 15 hours!
hope it does not rain (because I smooth the wheels) and nn gets too hot (because my mom is a headache with air conditioning) I try to force me also because it will be just the tip of an enormous iceberg of mange from resolve ..
Meanwhile, I think .. My heart is fluttering and confused, the nerves affected by ups and downs that continues TROVAN peace and quiet only in long hugs, and hope, so that when I come back, hoping to have solved most of the problems down, I can "relax" and be able to fully experience emotions left in half.
Who knows ..
On the other hand I trust the swing of fate that is not wrong ever .. at least in recent years! By chance I read
taaanto lines of long ago, of excruciating pain and even now dormant .. .. .. love reborn in new forms that are born, lovers who end lives that are born and lives .. ending .. no need to add names, narrow the field for no reason.
not writing for a while ', but I was with you, with some of you, quite intense and I run out there every need and extra sense of communication.
I humbly apologize to all the other course.
I have not even told of the fantastic experience in France-Spain made with really great mom .. .. .. relatively speaking of places serve (the photos are though) is definitely the more you understand, at the end of the journey, How important is a journey, even in the most ordinary travel, a person next to you .. I know .. I've always been a lonely dog, a carefree .. but damn scassaballe see the most beautiful sunsets alone among snowy peaks or deserts is less than enchanted to see it in more mundane places but reflected in the eyes of the person next to you .. (at least for me .. now).

I still feel the scent of your deodorant on my shirt and the close of your hands on my arms

oblivion of my mind I'll be back .. and go to sleep!

a holiday hug to all .. See you in September!


Giusy Shit I guess you're right .. people may think they are serious and murtizzo to read these things!
here is a denial .. I love this song .. you know tiganca true dear ..?!

my favorite is the fat guy in the video with the Barbazza and sunglasses ..

here also a picture that represents me better .. (and I do not drink ..)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sample Gratitude Certificate Wording


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Allergy To Metal Belts


Love and hate, screaming words waiting to be rediscovered, brother where are you going?
Travelling, talking, crying and laughing taking a tea.
What's the point in all that mess?
What are you looking for?


concentrate on yourself, on your inner wisdom, on your deep self
Find out where you frogot your soul whatever it means to you

we are just HUMAN BEINGS..did you realized it?!
It's not easy, but it can be
and GO ON


Amore ed Odio, gridar parole che aspettano di esser riscoperte, fratello dove stai andando?
Viaggiare, parlare, piangere e ridere bevendo un tè.
Qual'è il senso di questa confusione?
Cosa stai cercando?


concentrati su te stesso, nella tua intima saggezza, nel tuo profondo sè
Scopri dove hai dimenticato la tua Anima, qualsiasi cosa ciò significhi per te

siamo solo ESSERI UMANI..te ne sei accorto?!
Non è facile, ma può esserlo

Love and Hate, shouting words just waiting to be rediscovered, brother where are you going?
Travel, talk, laugh, mourn and drinking tea.
Where is the sense of this confusion?
you're looking for? More Breathe

and silence

concentrate on yourself, your intimate knowledge, in your innermost being
Find out where you have forgotten your Soul, Whosoever is the sense that it is for you

UMAN BEINGS we are just .. I Daste account?!
It is not easy, But the CREA en eso puede ser




Friday, June 6, 2008

How Do I Fly On Poptropica

Buenos TITLE / Malos Aires -> Italy

Three weeks can run fast, day to escape and soon you wake up, do you have breakfast, go to complete two shit and it's already noon .. commitments, lobby, tears, laughter, singing, hugs and craftsman of the last business have marked the latest period Porteño (Buenos Aires) was intense, at times too intense.
The prophecies are realized, and when l'ultima GRANDE incognita è stata chiarita, ho dovuto dare un taglio ad un amore che mi uccideva suo malgrado di dolore. Non ce la facevo proprio.E così tanti ruoli son scomparsi di colpo, apparentemente, ma dentro di me li sento vivi e forti.. ..come i ricordi.
Ma probabilmente è così che doveva andare..e mentre un treno la portava via da me un aereo portava me via da lei
Di ritorno..a "casa"..
A presto Argentina, a presto Buenos Aires..per ora voglio ricordarti così..omaggiarti con un video di youtube girato da un povero Gringo che storpia i nomi dei tuoi quartieri storici e si impossessa del più strano dei tuoi tangos per farsi figo con amici Wow Argentina and relatives .. Was so nice .. All Those "Latinos" dancin 'that weird music .. yaaaaaa
Buenos Aires no longer sell cmq .. but I love you anyway!
soon sudamerica ..

And thanks to everyone for the warm welcome! I did not expect much!



Latest Photos here

Head .. now for me is a city "nostalgic" .. happy?!

My brothers have grown monstrously .. I see .. "hello prejudice" (with the eyes of zombies who have been all day watching television or playing games) .. a couple of minutes after they come to me and make me "and the gifts?" more than "how are you" etc. .. yes yes .. I'm just a "home"!