Monday, February 28, 2011

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Workshop: the performer's body between tradition and modernity

IUGTE Workshop invites you to the International Physical Theatre under the leadership of Sergei Ostrenko (Russia):

the performer's body during the trial between tradition and modernity

The Psychological Gesture

The Method of Physical Actions

Analysis On

Tai Chi for artists of Psycho-Physical Training

of Ostrenko

In-porate text

composition of the scenes and more!

18 -19 - 20 March 2011

Association Multikulti - Turin, Italy

Program: An intensive workshop for actors to practice physical theater, drama, musical, dancers, circus acrobats, singers, educators, psychologists, performers with professional experience from different genre, technique and style.

Membership: Candidates pregati di inviare lettera di motivazione e CV con foto al Coordinatore del Progetto, Ivan Rosenthal, all’indirizzo mail

Ancora pochi posti disponibili.

Le iscrizioni si chiuderanno appena il gruppo sarà completo.

I linguaggi di lavoro sono l’inglese e l’italiano.

Per informazioni:

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Show: Manchu, the last Emperor

Dal 29 ottobre 2011 al 13 maggio 2012


Manciù, l’ultima Dinastia che ha governato sul Celeste Impero dal 1644 al 1911, sarà la protagonista della quarta Mostra sulla Cina: le armi e le uniformi militari dei grandi Imperatori Kangxi e Qianlong, le preziose suppellettili della reggia di Mukden, compreso il trono leggendario, le mitiche collezioni dell’Imperatrice Cixi saranno esposte per la prima volta al mondo insieme agli oggetti personali dell’Ultimo Imperatore della Cina, Pu Yi, protagonista dell’indimenticabile film-capolavoro di Bernardo Bertolucci che usciranno dal Palazzo di Changchun, già capitale dell’Impero fantoccio del Manchukuò.

Da questa breve descrizione si può intuire l’importanza storica della Mostra ospitata a Treviso presso la Casa dei Carraresi: una occasione unica al mondo per poter ammirare reperti finora mai usciti non solo dalla Cina ma nemmeno dai Musei dove sono custoditi.

Per prenotare una visita guidata alla mostra, è consigliabile rivolgersi (a partire dal prossimo mese di aprile) al nostro call center , telefonando al seguente numero 0422-513150.

Per qualsiasi informazione contattateci allo 0422-424390 o alla mail

Ringraziando per la cortese attenzione e per la preziosa collaborazione Vi inviamo i nostri più cordiali saluti.

La Mostra è stata inserita dal Governo Cinese nel Programma ufficiale dell’Anno della Cina in Italia e delle celebrazioni del Quarantennale dell’apertura delle relazioni diplomatiche tra Italia e Cina.

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training course for work in Travel Agencies and Tour Operators

Percorso “Travel Agent”

AGENDA srl è un’organizzazione che si occupa specificatamente della formazione nel
comparto turistico. AGENDA è accreditata dalla Regione Toscana, Certificata in Qualità ed i suoi corsi sono riconosciuti su tutto il territorio italiano.
Date le specifiche richieste di nuovi inserimenti nel settore: Agenzie di Viaggio e Tour Operator è stato pianificato uno specifico percorso formativo denominato “Travel Agent ”.

Sbocchi professionali
Il percorso è strutturato per fornire ai partecipanti un’ampia competenza tecnico professionale spendibile nelle aree tecniche,logistiche e di Front Office di Agenzie di Viaggio, Compagnie Aeree,Tour Operator.

Certificazioni delle competenze

Il percorso formativo permetterà ai partecipanti di ricevere 4 specifici attestati riconosciuti dal comparto turistico(uno per ogni modulo formativo).
Le Certificazioni sono riconosciute a livello nazionale e rientrano nell’abito della Reso IATA 814 (Attacment A,Section 2, Para 2.4.3).

Progetto formativo
Il corso si svolge in 80 ore di formazione in aula, suddivise in un programma giornaliero di 8 ore (10 giornate di lavoro di aula informatica full immersion).
A seguire il percorso formativo Agenda aiuterà i partecipanti ad individuare un Agenzia di Viaggio o Tour Operator in the province chosen by the candidate in which to undertake an internship of 3 / 6 months.
The next course available (for the classroom) will be held in Florence:
from April 11 to April 22, 2011
Given the typical path of only 10 places are available.
The course is free of charge, for training expenses are expected
usually reserved for candidates.
E 'can download the technical detail of the course at:
For further information about what training / professional write to or call at 055-2346018.

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Training Course: The Violin Making and Classroom Practice for Guitar and Beyond

with the collaboration of the Province of La Spezia


18-19-20-21 May 2011 at the Fortezza Firmafede Sarzana (Sp) within the Acoustic Guitar

MEETING 14th edition

Duration: 18 hours
violin course for acoustic guitar , mandolin, banjo (merc.18-giov.19-ven.20, at 9-13 and 15-17)
2 hours seminario liuteria per chitarra acustica (sab 21, ore 15-17)
Costo complessivo € 150,00 (tessera studenti € 100)
18 ore corso di didattica e tecniche per chitarra acustica, mandolino, banjo (merc.18-
giov.19-ven.20, ore 9-13 e 15-17)
Costo € 150,00 (tessera studenti € 100)
Liuteria per chitarra acustica, mandolino, banjo: M° JOHN MONTELEONE (Usa) chitarra
e mandolino
– M° STEVE GILCHRIST (Australia) mandolino– M° GREG DEERING
(Usa) banjo Seminario di liuteria per chitarra acustica: M° CARLOS ROBERTO MICHELUTTI
Didattica e tecniche acoustic guitar, mandolin, banjo: DAVID MASTRANGELO
guitar - Beppe Gambetta (Ita) flatpicking guitar - Mike Marshall (USA)
- JENS KRUGER (Ch-US) banjo
Coordination, tips and Translation: MAXIMUM CATS (Ita)
organizational Coordination: ALESSIO AMBROSI
Province of La Spezia

Conduct of workshops
Pictures, demonstrations, use of multimedia materials, group practice
Wednesday, May 18 from 9 am at 11
Master Luthier John Monteleone
-conceptual designs, inventions and patents, competitive markets, the musical culture and his musicians
acoustic instruments and electric
-Projection of photos of models of guitars Monteleone from 11 to 13
Master Luthier Steve Gilchrist
-HISTORY - evolution of design - oval hole, hole-in F
tonal characteristics of the A & F models
types of wood-resonance-production techniques

-original paint and animal glue
from 15 to 17
Master Luthier Greg Deering
beginning of their evolution and Deering banjo-
basic concepts of construction of the banjo
-handle: What makes a handle
-quality drum-circle: the different ways it can be done
-resonator: the basics of a good resonator
Thursday, May 19 from 9 am to 11
Master Luthier John Monteleone
HISTORY AND BACKGROUND And development of the guitar archtop from past to present-
concepts and elements for a thorough critical analysis of the guitars, for personal development of ideas and skills-
encouraged to submit any such instrument of his own, both during construction, both at design or any other archtop guitar for discussion in order to learn together how to make a better tool
-carving demonstration of the soundboard from 11 to 13
Master Luthier Steve Gilchrist
Archtop Mandolin - PROCESSES
-component processes and masks for each component assembly order

-selection of wood-
- carving board and fund-chains and profiles

-calibration and tuning from 15 to 17
Master Luthier Greg Deering
-setting and adjustment of the banjo-
removing the banjo-
adjustments to various parts of banjo and listening to the differences in sound depending on exchange rate-setting of the tailpiece

-tension of the skin and how it can change the sound and how
-tensioners work to adjust the string action
-Truss-rod should be placed and how to get the action low without buzzing
-complete disassembly and reassembly of the banjo with questions of the participants

Friday, May 20 from 9 am to 11
teacher Master Luthier John Monteleone Monteleone
-discussion on design drawings and construction
-projected images of mandolins
-questions and answers for students from 11 to 13

Master Luthier Steve Gilchrist Mandolin Archtop
-angle of the neck and bridge height
-neck profile and playability
preparation-and-paint coloring
and application
-staining water
- "French polishing"
from 15 to 17
Master Luthier Greg Deering
"superstition BANJO"
Greg Deering and Jens Kruger will talk about the elements of the tone of the banjo, how
can play a great banjo and banjo styles.
Jens Kruger demonstrate various types of banjo, 5 string, tenor banjo, banjo mandolin and banjo
6 strings, showing the different colors of sound, and many of the techniques possible execution.
talk about how they work together on research and development refining the tone of the banjo
Questions and answers for the students
Saturday 21 May
from 15 to 17
Maestro Michelutti ROBERTO CARLOS (Argentina)
-nut in the classical guitars, acoustic and electric and choice of materials to produce
-tuning of the instrument, and keys Keyboards for the comfort and performance tool
-specific amplification and explanation KK On Board
-free subjects at the request of the participants
educational and technical acoustic guitar, mandolin, banjo
(Lessons include class exercises on the instrument and delivery
anthology of songs for home study. Participants should bring their instrument) Master
Il corso affronta il tema della creatività attraverso l’analisi di alcune composizioni dei Maestri Storici della
chitarra acustica ed esercizi, esempi, consigli e suggerimenti da parte del docente (tratti dal libro “Creative
Fingerstyle Guitar” ed. Carisch). Obiettivo del corso è fornire i concetti base nel campo della composizione e
dell’adattamento, per far si che lo studio della chitarra non risulti essere un mero atto tecnico-imitativo
(necessario in fase di apprendimento) ma un mezzo per esprimersi.
Maestro BEPPE GAMBETTA: “FLATPICKING GLOBALIZATION”: Tecnica e creatività nella chitarra
acoustic plectrum combining elements of European and American Roots Music.
The program is a fascinating journey into the world of flatpicking view from the perspective of
Beppe Gambetta, Italian in the world with nearly thirty years of experience on the road. The program will take place
passing some of the fundamental arguments of the Treaty of guitar Gambetta
Publishing House recently published by Carisch.
Beppe tells how the travel, meetings and research into music may be forgotten
a key driver for creativity, passing through some of the most interesting pages of his
repertoire and the technique has been developed.
Master MIKE MARSHALL: “ THE WORLD OF MANDOLIN” Approfondimenti sullo studio e uso dal
vivo del mandolino
Il seminario esplorerà le tecniche del mandolino, sia come strumento solista, sia come parte di una band
acustica. Basandosi sull’esperienza di 35 anni di carriera, Mike approfondirà l’uso del mandolino in vari
generi musicali, basandosi anche sui suoi libri “Great Book of Fingerbusters” e “Chord book”.
Insieme al liutaio e titolare della Deering Banjo Company, Greg Deering, verranno esplorate le tecniche e gli
stili musicali del banjo, utilizzando e dimostrando i vari modelli esistenti.
Mercoledì 18 maggio
dalle ore 9 alle 11
docente il Maestro DAVIDE MASTRANGELO
-forma, melodia, armonia, ritmo: elementi fondamentali della composizione
-la scrittura polifonica come aiuto per “l’assemblaggio” delle parti
dalle ore 11 alle 13
docente il Maestro e concertista BEPPE GAMBETTA
-tecniche di crosspicking, down-down-up e tocco appoggiato
-sviluppi e usi diversi dello sweep picking acustico nelle forme tradizionali e progressive
-esercizi ed applicazioni creative
dalle ore 15 alle 17
docente il Maestro e concertista MIKE MARSHALL
-come tenere lo strumento
-posizioni right hand left and right and how to produce a good sound and still be relaxed in playing

-some simple examples of "old time fiddle tunes and bluegrass instrumentals
-how to play a good rhythm in the band, fills, and just over a melody
voice-work on the tremolo-
easy songs swing and the basics of the agreements on the construction

Thursday, May 19 from 9 am to 11
low alternating boom-chick, bass damping , walking bass, carter family style, harmonics, harp style,
banjo rolls, grace notes, strumming melody, effect pedal steel, percussion, tapping, over-neck
-accordature alternative
dalle ore 11 alle 13
docente il Maestro e concertista BEPPE GAMBETTA
-arrangiamento di brani e canzoni
-le grandi potenzialità della chitarra come motore creativo di un arrangiamento
-ritmiche, refrain, fill inn, rhythm licks e altri elementi fondamentali nella nascita di un arrangiamento con
chitarra sola o all’interno di un gruppo
dalle ore 15 alle 17
docente il Maestro e concertista MIKE MARSHALL
-dall’improvvisazione swing e jazz al “Choro” Brasiliano, al “French Musette”, ai brani di danza Bulgara, agli
intrecci armonici di J.S. Bach
-condivisione con i corsisti practices and methods of composition

Friday, May 20 from 9 am to 11
creative stimulus
-l 'improvisation-composition and adaptation

-breaking style of automatic
from 11 to 13
Master teacher and performer Beppe Gambetta
-composition and transcription for guitar flatpicking
-tunings and techniques to be applied
-examples, comments and studio tracks, from the moment of inspiration to the practical techniques, the research of
'expression, with examples of key pieces from the repertoire of Beppe linked to various forms of
Roots Music.
from 15 to 17
Master teacher and performer JENS KRUGER
"superstition BANJO"
Greg Deering and Jens Kruger speak of the elements of the tone of the banjo, how it can play a big
banjo and banjo styles.
Jens Kruger demonstrate various types of banjo, 5 string, tenor banjo, banjo mandolin and banjo
6 strings, showing the different colors of sound, and many of the techniques possible execution.
talk about how they work together on research and development refining the tone of the banjo
questions and answers for the students
JOHN MONTELEONE recognized as one of the best luthiers in the world, art is considered by many
years on archtop guitars. His
tools are the essence of his artistic expression, reflecting the subtle but challenging
marriage of form and function. For thirty years now the production of tools
innovative design, elegant and impressive tonal
expression is the mission of his life, in relentless pursuit of
harmonic sophistication. Quotatissime archtop guitars and sought after,
sounding mandolins and unique design are the result of studies and unique talent,
universally recognized and able to put it into a cult book of
recent publication, "Archtop Guitars, from Cremona to journey to New
York, "which was held together with two other major e mitici maestri
newyorkesi, John D’Angelico e Jimmy D’Acquisto.
STEVE GILCHRIST inizia a sviluppare competenze musicali di riparazione e costruzione di strumenti mentre
studiava Art & Design nella tarda adolescenza, sulla scia di un ricordo
d'infanzia: un mandolino napoletano utilizzato come un giocattolo per scavare
nel suo box di sabbia. Ispirato da un liutaio locale e con limitate informazioni
che riusciva a carpire studiando le copertine degli album e i vecchi cataloghi di
strumenti, inizia una carriera che lo porterà ad accettare un'offerta di lavoro da
George Gruhn, rinomato collezionista e conoscitore di strumenti vintage, nel
1980. Dopo un anno completamente immersed in the restoration of instruments and
contact with many talented musicians, the quality of his work
begins to grow rapidly and be widely recognized, thanks to the contribution of
clients such as David Grisman, Ronnie McCoury, Mike Compton.
Working with leading names in the music scene,
provides great inspiration to improve the power, tone and versatility of its
mandolins, which today are played by professional musicians from around the world and venerated as jewelry
high violin.
Greg Deering has her training and love for the woods to his father, who at the age of two years
taught him how to build un modellino di aeroplano. I
primi passi nel mondo del lavoro li muove presso l'American Dream Shop a
Lemon Grove dove, intorno al 1969, costruisce il suo primo banjo proprio per
una classe di falegnameria. La sua passione per il banjo lo porta ad esibirsi in
molte chiese intorno alla zona di San Diego, dove riceve considerevoli
apprezzamenti sul suo strumento. Le continue richieste da parte di molte
persone che vogliono acquistare un banjo come il suo, lo convincono a fare
della costruzione dei banjo la sua vita. La Deering Banjo Company nasce
quindi nel 1975, nella casa di famiglia Deering, ed è così cresciuta da essere
oggi la più grande azienda produttrice di banjo nel mondo. Dalla sua nascita
ha prodotto più di 50.000 banjo e annovera tra i suoi clienti, moltissimi tra i
più grandi musicisti contemporanei: Bela Fleck, Tony Trischka, Jens Kruger,
John Hartford, Doc Watson e molti altri sono i virtuosi che si esibiscono con il
banjo Deering.
Greg e sua moglie Janet, insieme ad un team di 33 specialisti nella
costruzione del banjo, continuano, nella loro azienda di Spring Valley in
California, a scrivere la storia di uno dei più importanti strumenti musicali nella tradizione degli Stati Uniti
CARLOS ROBERTO MICHELUTTI nasce in Argentina ed inizia a studiare chitarra classica a 7 anni,
avvicinandosi già da giovanissimo and also taught himself the violin and the study of tools, materials and construction techniques
. Through his studies and his early work in the musical notes of Cordoba, where
begins to make repairs on any type of stringed instrument, especially at the Conservatory Felix T.
Garzon, that builds and restores instruments dedicated to the performance of the Suzuki method.
At 19 he began to frequently visit the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires and met the maker Alfredo
Jersey where he learns the secrets of several classical violin. He moved to Italy, he studied classical violin under the instruction of Master
Spataffi and in 1990 opened the Cordoba Guitars in his workshop in Gubbio. Since 2007
teaches in the experimental school "Arts and crafts of Ariano Irpino and moved to a new laboratory
violin making in Cremona, where plucked instruments and produces the kind of classic and modern arc.
Davide Mastrangelo and considered one of the main references
teaching guitar acoustic fingerstyle
in Italy. He has held workshops and concerts with
most important names in international
acoustic guitar. In 2006 he founded the
CentroStudiFingerstyle first Italian center for processing
acoustic guitar-based central
E 'Author of the following publications for acoustic guitar
Creative Fingerstyle Guitar " (libro con CD allegato)
ed. Carisch.
I volume “Standards for fingerstyle guitar” (libro con
CD allegato) ed. Carisch
II volume “Standards for fingerstyle guitar” (libro con
CD allegato) ed. Carisch
I volume “Scuola di chitarra acustica” (libro con CD
allegato) ed. Universal
II volume “Scuola di chitarra acustica” (libro con CD allegato) ed. Universal
Ha insegnato per 12 anni presso la Lizard di Fiesole ed ha aperto e diretto la sede piemontese Lizard dal
1996 al 2005.
Consulente editoriale per la chitarra acustica per la casa editrice Carisch, ha collaborato e collabora con le
riviste specializzate del settore "Axe" and "Guitars" and the portal
Since 2005 he is coordinator of educational 'Acoustic Guitar Meeting of Sarzana.
Beppe Gambetta is the most acclaimed Italian acoustic guitarist
abroad and most with roots
American musical. Master of the flatpicking technique,
has explored deeply the world of bluegrass and folk
, then placing at the service of these techniques to a genre of his own composition, original and modern.
In this sense, and with eye-catching arrangements, he also reworked tracks of traditional Italian and Liguria in particular providing a new look and making appreciated throughout the world.
Both in performance, which led him to constantly move
in different continents, both in educational seminars
is acclaimed as the undisputed master of contemporary acoustic guitar.
His experience is also present in many publications, which provide methods of study relevant to new generations of guitarists.
Mike Marshall is a mandolin player and multi-instrumentalist
has characterized the American acoustic music scene over the past 30 years,
by hand, since the 80s, the group of musicians who founded the
"New Acoustic Music ". He has recorded and performed with David Grisman, Tony Rice
, Mark O'Connor, Stephane Grappelli, Darol Anger, Jerry Douglas, Sam Bush
, Bela Fleck, Barbara Higbie, in a variety of styles that have crossed
bluegrass, jazz, Brazilian music, world music and classical music
Virtuoso mandolin, guitar and violin sounds perfectly, providing
, teaching, basic concepts for the technique and styles of
stringed instruments and also sharing methods to modern composition. Operating in concert
other times in our country, port for the first time in Italy
in a seminar organized and very well maintained, its huge
experience in acoustic music, giving an opportunity to study unique
lovers of stringed instruments in general.
JENS KRUGER joined the "Deering Research and Development
in 2003, when he emigrated to the United States from Switzerland and has worked closely with Greg Deering
in advancing the design and tone
Deering banjos, creating some of the finest banjos that
ever produced by the company since 1975. But
Jens Kruger is primarily one of the greatest virtuosos
banjo players in the world, a musician who was introduced to the world of bluegrass, described as the largest European banjista by none other than the great Bill Monroe, father of bluegrass, and that in the long career he has played with Earl Scruggs, Doc Watson, John McEwen, Willie Nelson, Ricky Skaggs. A true master of the banjo, capable of amazing virtuosity
and master a technique that will provide meeting planning. Together with his brother Uwe
guitarist and bassist Joel Landsberg
gave birth to the trio The Kruger Brothers, one of the most active and most formations estimated
of contemporary bluegrass.
Massimo Gatti is considered one of the best mandolin players in Europe and founded a bluegrass band of the first Italian "Bluegrass Stuff, still active, and with whom he has performed on stages around the world. Deep knowledge of the techniques of the mandolin in the New Acoustic Music, is estimated by all the greatest performers of this instrument.
The seminars will coordinate the activities of Steve Gilchrist in violin making and support
Mike Marshall in the analysis of playing techniques on the instrument,
talking with him and also offering moments of great spectacle.

Organization Coordinator
ALESSIO Ambrose is the President of the Cultural Club Armadillo "Sarzana, from several years working in the organization of musical quality. With years of experience as a guitarist and as a promoter of events featuring the acoustic guitar, he continues to work for the growth of knowledge of this instrument both in the field of musical composition is in the field of his art construction.
E 'the creator and artistic director of the Acoustic Guitar Meeting of Sarzana, in which is held the training course. The course presented over the years many international master luthiers guitar teachers and artists among the most recognized in the world, becoming a reference point for providing education and training and development of high quality.
Course location: FORTRESS Firmafede - Sarzana (SP) in the 'ACOUSTIC GUITAR
MEETING "14th edition.
Whole Meeting will be held May 18 to 22 and will include, in addition to the training course, other events such as the Exhibition of Violin Making, Import Accessories, Acoustic Guitar and concerts with top international performers.
Beppe Gambetta, MIKE MARSHALL, JENS KRUGER will be in concert on the main stage on the evening of Friday, May 20, in a concert dedicated to contemporary bluegrass.

Reservations: The secretariat of the Val di Magra Training is available for participants at preferential rates for hotel reservations at hotels and B & B in Sarzana area.
Payment: Payment of the fee by bank transfer to be made su Banca CARISPE,
Agenzia n°1 di Sarzana, IBAN: IT03Z0603049849000021 734C00 intestato Associazione Val di Magra
Formazione e comunicazione dell’avvenuta iscrizione all’Associazione Culturale ARMADILLO CLUB via email o fax.
Armadillo Club - tel/fax: 0187 626993
Associazione Val di Magra Formazione – tel: 0187 603167

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Center for Employment of Massa-Carrara Events

For the following items (Ref. P) port or send via fax or email your CV to the headquarters of the Employment Centre nearest you, or if you have a cv-card self-nomination (also downloadable from the Province in respect of each offer:

P5212 - Garage
a specialist coach. Activities: perform ordinary and extraordinary repairs, replacement, painting of accessory elements of the frame and / or vehicle body.
Request specific minimum 1 year previous experience. qualification of coaches. Contract: Fixed-Term.
Place of work: Pontremoli.
Deadline: March 7, 2011. Send a CV when
Aulla mail: 0187 4223217 Fax candidature.aulla @

P5213 - graphic studio graphic
1 / a . Activities: design to 3D modeling. Autonomy in activities of their profile. Computer skills sector for graphics and 3D modeling.
Contract: Fixed-term or project work.
Place of work: mass.
Deadline: March 7, 2011.
Send CV to email cpi when Massa candidature.massa @ fax 0585 816663

P5214 - engineering, maritime workers
a crane operator / escavator . Activities: seafarers to work and support subacquee.Documentata experience with cable excavators freefall; working knowledge of diving techniques, knowledge of mechanical inboard and outboard. Preferred membership lists of mobility.
Contract: Fixed-term 3 / 6 months convertible, full time.
Place of work: La Spezia and surrounding areas.
Deadline: March 7, 2011.
Send CV to email cpi when Massa candidature.massa @ fax 0585 816663

P5216 - Company of commercial services and telemarketing
5 sales agents. Activities: Promotion and sales in private and company security products with patent Europe. The activity is supported by a network of telemarketing for appuntamenti.Diploma superior interpersonal skills, basic knowledge of PC.
Contract: sales at home. Agent.
Workplace: Provincia di Massa Carrara.
Deadline: March 7, 2011. Send CV to
cpi when Aulla mail: 0187 4223217 Fax candidature.aulla @
P5217 - Hotel
a receptionist in mobility. Activities: own profile: front office hotel, check in / check out, reservations. An excellent knowledge of English and office windows. Appreciate the knowledge of German. Entry on the mobility list. Diploma or degree.
Contract: term convertible. Full-time two-shift (from 7.30 to 14.30 / 14.30 to 22.30).
Workplace: Carrara. Deadline: March 7, 2011. Send CV to email cpi when Carrara do.carrara @ fax 0585 8484228

For the following items (ref. I) contact the company directly in the manner reported

I5215 - Siderimpront3 Ltd
a salesman. Activities: outside sales. experience selling steel products.
high school diploma; dynamics; 25 to 50 years. Contract: self-employment. Place of work: Tuscan provinces, particularly in Versilia, Massa, La Spezia. Send resume to
cristina.salvia @ or call 0586 983 668. Deadline: March 7, 2011.

I5218 - SAS CDR Villa Serena Retirement Home for older
an administrative clerk. Activities: Position number: supply management, quality management procedures and so on. Reliability, experience, ability to work in a team and autonomously.
Contract: Fixed-term.
Workplace: Comano (MS). Call 484 565-tel.0187
Dr. Lucilla Galeazzi 347-7375056. Deadline: March 7, 2011.

Meeting D / O MASS
work - because of Carre
55 Tel 0585 816660 - 816716 to 816657 Fax
0585 816663

Incontro D/O di lavoro
CARRARA – viale XX settembre 3
Tel. 0585 8484224 - 8484254
Fax 0585 8484228

Incontro D/O di lavoro
AULLA – via Pisacane 3
Tel. 0187 4223219 - 4223212
Fax 0187 4223217

Homemade Sailor Costumes

the Fortress of La Spezia Sarzanello


h Saturday 15:00 to 5:00 p.m. Sunday
h 15:00 to 17:00

In opening hours - only on Sundays - every 30 minutes, without any reservation.

For groups, the fortress is open outside of normal opening hours at any time and day. For information and reservations see Contacts

scrl Earth c / o Fort Sarzanello
Phone 0187.622080 Fax 0187.1500158
Headquarters: Via GB de Nobili 4-19125 La Spezia
manager Fortress Sarzanello
Dr. Sabrina Vitali 339.4130037


INPUT PRICES Adults: € 3.50, Reduced: € 3.00 Combined ticket

kit 1>>> 2 Ticket + guide € 8.50
Kit 2>>> 2 + 1 Ticket reduced € 11.50 + 1 guide
kit 3>>> Ticket 2 + 2 = € 11.50 reduced
kit 4>>> Ticket 2 + 1 + 2 reduced driving = € 13.00

UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - Women's Day / Dinner with historical crime!
The historical dinners with murder in Fortress: put Test your investigative skills and track down the murderess! The historical dinners with murder
provide, including in the price, even the possibility of - at night, at the conclusion of the dinner - a guided tour of the Fort. The price is 38 € per person for a different night, funny, in an unmissable frame.

* A12 (Genova - Rosignano) * exit at Sarzana
* moving towards the center for three traffic lights (Via Partisan Brigade Muccini)
* after the third traffic light, continue for 500 meters (Viale Mazzini)
* turn left into the Fort Street follow the signs.
For those who have the browser, these coordinates: 44.06.54 N 9:58:15 E
Fortress has a large public car park and free

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Metis research

METIS SPA - Via Veneto, 162-19124 La Spezia - Tel. 0187735238 - fax. 0187735952 -, site:


1 Designer Plants Electric
Contract: Initial administration, with the purpose of direct recruitment
Diploma in electrical engineering or engineering degree, prior experience in design studies of electrical, sound knowledge of CAD and sketch up.
Workplace: La Spezia

Contract: 1 month initial
Possess high school diploma or qualification to address electrical / electronic. Previous experience of at least two years in the installation and maintenance of marine electrical systems and / or civilians.
Workplace: La Spezia Province

Graduates 4 / e - undergraduates / and on economic and scientific to start the profession of financial advisor
Contract: To be determined
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, willingness to play a training course, which includes a final exam for certification to be involved.
Workplace: La Spezia Province

1 Turner

initial 3 months contract: In a diploma of mechanical engineer, 3 years experience on CNC machines and / or manuals, workshops took place within mechanical, good reading skills of technical drawing, precision, good with his hands.
Workplace: La Spezia

5 mechanical fitters height
Contratto: 1 mese iniziale.
Esperienza nel montaggio di apparati meccanici ad altezze superiori ai 15 metri. Preferibile esperienza come pontista.
Luogo di Lavoro: Provincia La Spezia

1 Assistente ufficio commerciale
Contratto: Inserimento diretto
La persona selezionata dovrà occuparsi di: gestione dei rapporti commerciali con clienti e fornitori, identificazione e inserimento codici ricambi su software Navision, invio richieste di offerta a fornitori, verifica stock di magazzino, elaborazione e follow-up offerte di vendita a clienti, gestione ordini e spedizioni, valutazione giacenze e fabbisogno di magazzino, presenza a fiere, occasionali visite presso clienti. E’ richiesta at least three years experience in the tasks listed above, fluent in English, good computer skills.
Workplace: La Spezia

3 estimators mechanical sector
Contract: 3 months
degree in Mechanical Engineering and / or diploma in mechanical, minimal experience as a clerk industrial engineering department. Good knowledge of English. Excellent knowledge of mechanical design and major Windows applications.
Workplace: La Spezia Province

Mechanical Designer Contract: For direct entry in the company
have a degree in mechanical engineering, good knowledge 3 Autocad, Solid Edge, good knowledge of written and spoken English (by way of preference is the knowledge of other languages), good knowledge of industrial materials and mechanical technologies. Willingness to travel between the various domestic and foreign establishments, capacity 'to work in teams. Are preferred for a past experience in the rail sector. Car owner / a.
Workplace: La Spezia

1 Plumber
Contract: 1 month
initial track record of at least three years in the assembly, connection, maintenance and installation of plumbing and boilers. Possession of the license for installation boilers. Good skills in the use of all tools. Good manual dexterity and precision.
Workplace: Province of La Spezia

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There Cin Cin - Teatro Civico La Spezia


Cin We There
Operetta in two Acts Carlo Lombardo and Virgilio Ranzato

4 March 2011 - 21:00

Corpo di Ballo Accademia
Coreografie di Costanza Chiapponi
Scene e Costumi: Artemio Cabassi realizzati da ArteScenica
Orchestra “Cantieri d’Arte” diretta da
Stefano Giaroli
Silvia Felisetti

La vicenda favolistica, ambientata a Macao, di Myosotis e Ciclamino, giovani e ingenui sposi che non conoscono i più elementari doveri del matrimonio, e della strampalata coppia parigina Cin-ci-là - Petit-Gris ben si presta ad una interpretazione in chiave ironica con gag e trovate veramente esilaranti ed adatte ad un pubblico di ogni età.
In Cina, nella città di Macao, stanno per convolare a nozze la principessa Myosotis, figlia del principe Fon Ki, e suo cugino, il principe Ciclamino. I due sposi, ancora immersi in un’atmosfera fanciullesca, non sanno in realtà nulla del matrimonio e continuano a condurre una vita fatta di giochi e di bambole.
Nel periodo tra il matrimonio e il concepimento dell’erede, è però usanza che tutte le attività, tutti gli svaghi e i divertimenti vengano temporaneamente soppressi.
Proprio in questo frangente giungono a Macao la brillante attrice francese Cin-Ci-Là e il suo amante Petit Gris, che la sta inseguendo, perdutamente innamorato di lei.
Saranno proprio Cin-Ci-Là e Petit Gris i maestri d’amore per i due ingenui sposi, that hilarious lessons of love will lead the naive in the arms of his Myosotis Cyclamen.


Teatro Civico - Piazza Mentana, 19121 La Spezia, tel. 0187/757075
Casa Musicale Pietro Biso - of the Prions 19121 Via La Spezia, tel. 0187 734253
Sarzana IAT - Piazza San Giorgio, Sarzana (SP), tel. 0187 620419
Versilia Holidays - Lungomare Europa 188, Lido di Camaiore (LU) Tel 619 479 0584
All events "raft" - Viale Regina Margherita (Promenade) 55,049 - Viareggio (Lucca), Tel 0584 427 201

La Cabana Travel - Via Roma 26 / a, 54033 Carrara, Tel 0585/775057
Agency Sunflowers - Via the Patriot 7, 54100 (MS), Tel: 0585 251 781
Tobacco Volpi - Viale XX Settembre114 \u200b\u200b54033 Carrara (MS) Tel 0585845596


tel 0187/757075 - 0585/8110014
www.comune.sp. it -
e-mail: @ teatro.civico

Online Sales: Tickets available on

Ticketone and Vivaticket and on the website

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Reading Dante

Readings Dante
Monday, March 7 at 16:30
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of La Spezia, Via Chiodo, 36


will introduce Alfredo Lupi

Hell, Canto XXVI "... Consider your origin:
facts you were to live like brutes,
but to follow virtue and knowledge. "

The March 7, 2011 at 16:30, at the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of La Spezia, Via Chiodo, will end the cycle of readings of Hell Dante. Enrico Colombo, known journalist committed issuer TeleLiguriaSud diDante avid reader and always read the Canto Canto XXVI and XXXIII. The reading will be accompanied by projected images.

free admission

AI: DEA Via Manin, 27 19121 LA SPEZIA
Mobile Phone 0187765263 3297462081 3339503490

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Maw search

Nurses looking for shift workers
structure of the province Massa nurse shift workers. Requirements: Degree in nursing or equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of Health, IPASVI valid certificate, previous experience in the job, willingness to work night shifts and holidays also. Consideration will be given only to residents of the CVs and mass procvincia. Initial fixed-term contract.
Branch Massa
Tel 0585-813697 Fax 0585-884000 fil.massa @

maids naval
We are looking for a company in La Spezia naval cleaner. The resource will be used in operational tasks by using mechanical means. Requirements: 5 years of experience in the job, CQC and C license, residence in the area. Initial fixed-term contract finalized to recruitment.
Branch Massa
Tel 0585-813697 Fax 0585-884000 fil.massa @ maw

Employee purchasing departments are looking for a company to mass employee purchasing office. The recourse will contact customers and suppliers, concluding quotation, procurement of materials. Requirements: high school diploma, previous job experience, fluent English and French, use of Excel, Drivers, residence in the area. Initial fixed-term contract with possibility of extension under the conditions.
Branch Massa
Tel 0585-813697 Fax 0585-884000 fil.massa @ maw

We are looking for an engineering company of Massa sandblasters. The resource will perform treatments on pieces of different sizes and have previously done the same job. Requirements: high school diploma, many years of experience in similar businesses, use a compressor, gun and sander, residence in the area by car. Initial fixed-term contract with possibility of extension.
Branch Massa
Tel 0585-813697 Fax 0585-884000 fil.massa @ maw

We are looking for company in the province of La Spezia a machinist / milling . The resource will have to deal with setting numerical control machines, monitor the product and shift gears. Requirements: Diploma in Mechanical, previous experience with lathes or milling machines, residence in the area, reading the draft tecnico. Iniziale contratto a tempo determinato con possibilità di proroghe.
Filiale di Massa
Tel. 0585 - 813697 Fax 0585 - 884000 fil.massa@maw

Verniciatore a spruzzo
Si ricerca per azienda di Massa un verniciatore a spruzzo. La risorsa seguirà l’intero processo di verniciatura, dalla preparazione dei colori fino all’essiccazione negli appositi forni. Sono richiesti: diploma di scuola media superiore, precedente esperienza nella mansione, uso di apparecchi a spruzzo manuali, residenza in zona, automuniti. Sono gradite referenze.
Filiale di Massa
Tel. 0585 - 813697 Fax 0585 - 884000 fil.massa@maw

Lucidatore ferro
Ricerchiamo per Viareggio company a polisher. The resource to deal with the manual processing and using special machines ferrous materials. Are required: high school diploma, experience in 3 / 5 years in similar role, use of automated tools for polishing, residence in the area by car. Initial fixed-term contract.
Branch Massa
Tel 0585-813697 Fax 0585-884000 fil.massa @ maw

Technical employee
electricity sector is looking for a firm mass of the technical field of electricity. The candidate will deal with the design / review of electrical systems through the use of AutoCad and SPAC Automazione. Welcome knowledge of English at a technical level. Initial fixed-term contract with possibility of extension under the conditions.
Branch Massa
Tel 0585-813697 Fax 0585-884000 fil.massa @ maw

client company research experts in chemical age of apprenticeship. Required: degree to address chemical, any experience in laboratory analysis, immediate availability. Initial fixed-term contract with possibility of extension under the conditions.
Branch Massa
Tel 0585-813697 Fax 0585-884000 fil.massa @ maw

packaging company is looking for a worker in the province of La Spezia employed for food packaging. The resource dell'inscatolatura products will have to deal and work at a constant temperature of 15 degrees. Are required: high school diploma, dexterity, willingness to work in shifts, age of apprenticeship, residency in the area by car.
Branch Massa
Tel 0585-813697 Fax 0585-884000 fil.massa @ maw

management controller
Maw Division Permanent search for shipbuilding company management controller. The resource will
• Ensuring the implementation, management and maintenance of the system of management control of the group companies
• Issue periodic reporting
• Check the cycle passive
• Verify compliance with the emission of budgets
orders • Check the proper allocation of costs to contracts and value of inventories in the reporting and budgetary
• Supporting the management of general accounting
Required: • Bachelor degree or
degree in economics
• Knowledge and use of the Office
• Technical skills in industrial accounting and general

• Knowledge of English • Experience of at least three years in the job

The resource will be directly entered by the customer for purposes-time appointment perpetuity. Request residence in the area.
If interested, send detailed CV's full authorization to process data in accordance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 to: selezione.lucca @
The research aims addressed to both sexes under L.903/77
Branch Massa
Tel 0585-813697 Fax 0585-884000 fil.massa @ Maw Maw

- Men at Work Spa
Branch Massa
Via Beatrice, 18
tel: 0585813697
fax: 0585 884 000
fil.massa @

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Course Administration and Accounting Lavorint


Obiettivi del corso

Obiettivo è fornire tramite continue esercitazioni pratiche, la preparazione indispensabile per essere in grado “fin dal primo giorno” di gestire gli aspetti fondamentali della contabilità quotidiana di un impresa. In ogni fase della formazione i partecipanti avranno l’opportunità di apprendere anche le modalità per eseguire il controllo e la verifica del lavoro che si sta svolgendo, in modo da individuare errori e/o anomalie e quindi procedere all’eventuale correzione. Rappresenta la preparazione indispensabile per chi intende svolgere un lavoro amministrativo e/o essere in grado di confrontarsi efficacemente con il commercialista, l’associazione, ecc… Per i giovani in cerca di lavoro la preparazione acquisita con la partecipazione al corso gli fornisce un netto vantaggio competitivo rispetto a chi non la possiede. Al termine del corso i partecipanti dovranno avere acquisito tutte le nozioni in ordine ai comportamenti da adottare ed alle norme antinfortunistiche necessarie per svolgere l’attività in modo sicuro.

Il partecipante ideale

amministratori, personale amministrativo, tirocinanti studi professionali, neodiplomati scuole commerciali, giovani in cerca di lavoro qualificato,ecc..


D.Lgs. n. 81 del 2008 Norme generali di sicurezza e salute sul luogo di lavoro. Rischi specifici della mansione di “Addetto administrative office "tasks and activities within the work task; damage and prevention services, solutions and safe work procedures, accounting and tax obligations. Accounting regimes: ordinary, simplified the rules for new activities and the regime of minimum (Law No. 244/2007) and the resulting accounting simplifications for taxpayers with income / fees up to € 30,000.00. Features and stakeholders. Mandatory accounting books in ordinary and simplified monthly and quarterly VAT return: recognition of the liquidation in the accounting records. News and updates the last Budget. Billing: parties responsible for issuing the invoice, the invoice immediately and the accompanying elements. Receipt and proof of purchase: essential elements and parties responsible for the issue. Relationship between terms for the recording of invoices and computation of the same towards payment of VAT. The journal: how records are kept and numbering (abolition of the use). The concept of "give and have." The concept of variation and analysis of financial and economic changes generated by elementary operations. Tutorials
detection of VAT payment in the accounting records, preparation of invoices practice (with expenses, documented and undocumented, packaging, etc. ....) and Transport document management and fuel card. Tutorials detection, the VAT register purchases of taxable supplies, exempt and excluded for VAT on sales of records and records in the accounts of bills of sale and expenses. The general closing of Accounts for the year, recognition for the financial period, closure of accounts. The new telematic methods of payment of taxes (F24 on line) and the next transmission fees.

Each participant will attend at least 80% of the teaching in, we'll issue an "attendance certificate" issued by Lavorint Trainig.

Arianna Bonvini
Simona Marchetti
Camilla Toscano

Filiale di Massa
Via Dorsale 9/A
Tel 0585/857370
Fax 0585/855889

4 Aprile 2011

10 incontri
20 ore totali
Orario: da stabilire

Sede del corso
Ufficio Lavorint
Via Dorsale 9/A Massa
CentroDirezionale Olidor

Quota partecipazione
Chiedere in filiale

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Read the Arts 2011 - La Spezia Camec


Thursday, March 3 to 17 at the Cameco, Piazza C. Battisti 1, La Spezia kicks off "Read the art 2011. Awards past and future. Press conferences and conversations about the national painting after the war and current perspectives on "initiative organized by the Library Annual Art Exhibition, now in its seventh edition.
This year's festival is dedicated to the exhibition "The award from the Press" is currently underway at the Cameco, which compares the works collected through the historic National Painting Prize Gulf of La Spezia from other similar events in other national contexts: Gallarate, Liss, Suzzara.
The first conference will be held by Luigi Cavadini, Art Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Liss and Liss will focus on the prize, which was held from 1946 to 1967 and then again in 1999.
follow the meetings of March 24 with Emma Zanella, the director of MAGA Art Museum Gallarate, Gallarate, which will be the prize, that of April 7 with Marco Panizza, curator of the Gallery Suzzara Prize, dedicated to the Prize Suzzara and finally a round table of 28 April in which the Profs. Sborgi Franco and Leo Lecci, University University of Genoa, Prof. Silvia Cuppini University of Urbino and Professor Lucilla Sacca, University of Florence, will discuss the prospects of any Prizes.

The exhibition The Prize Awards will be open from May 2011 until 8

Info: @ - \u200b\u200b0187/778544 - 0187/734593

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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The European Center for Studies, Research and New Technologies and the Euro Union Consult Announce:

Course "Community Strategic Plan" for 20 officers, directors or managers of local PA to be held in Rome on 22 March 2011.

The course will provide participants with a certificate of participation, tools and assistance in the preparation of the Community's strategic plan for your body.
cost of enrollment: 500 €.

For info:
To subscribe:

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Meetings with the ' Photo Library Civic Molicciara

town of Castelnuovo Magra
Department of Culture
Presents: WORDS IN TOWN - Meet the aut hours Valerio Varesi : "It 's just the beginning Commissioner Soneri" - novel
Saturday, February 26 at the Public Library Molicciara, WAY OF PEACE at 17. Presents: ARP, Ariodante Roberto Petacco.

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Events at the Museum of the Resistance of Fosdinovo

the Province of Massa Carrara and La Spezia - FOSDINOVO (MS)

Sabato h 15.00 – 18.00
Domenica h 15.00 – 18.00


Incluso nel servizio di accoglienza
Per i gruppi il Museo è visitabile anche fuori dal normale orario di apertura, in qualsiasi orario e giorno. Per
informazioni e prenotazioni vedi Contatti
Museo Audiovisivo della Resistenza
Via delle Prate 12
54035 Fosdinovo (MS)
Telefono 0187- 680014
Mobile 320.7798942
Responsabile Museum of the Resistance Audiovisual
Dr. Francesca Caleo 320.7798942
price of admission
Full: € 2, Reduced: € 1
Discounts for: Children aged 7 to 18 years; handicapped; groups over 15 people over 65 years.
Free admission for children under 7 years.

RESTAURANT The restaurant of the museum is open all year round by reservation for groups.
For information and reservations, see the "contacts".

EVENTS Tuesday, March 1, 2011 - Dante Hall Via Ugo Bassi 10 La Spezia. Sitting provincial and municipal joint sessions of La Spezia and Lerici strikes at the memory of La Spezia in March '44.
To achieve Fosdinovo: The country of Fosdinovo be reached by car from the highway A12 Genova-Livorno (or exit at Sarzana Carrara), La Spezia-Parma Highway A15 (exit St. Stephen's or Sarzana) and state highways 1 (Aurelia), 62 (Cisa) and 63 (Cerreto).
on SS1 Aurelia Fosdinovo the junction is about 3 km south of Sarzana, in Ponte Isolone-Caniparola, and is about 8 km from the village edge. To reach the
Fosdinovo SS.63 Cerreto need to travel to Solihull and then take the road 446 crossing Ceserano, S. and Terenzo Tendola. To achieve
Fosdinovo from Carrara is not necessary to go in the direction of Gragnana, Castelpoggio, Mount Bastion.
To arrive at the Museum: The museum is about 2 km from the village of Fosdinovo, at Le Prade. Since the country Fosdinovo behind, you have to go on for about a kilometer on the road 446 towards Tendola - Fivizzano, but arrived at the crossroads "Mouth of the Cuccu" turn left towards Ponzanello and Canepari.
After a few hundred meters to the right of the road you will see "The Colony", home of the Museum of the Resistance of audiovisual provinces of Massa Carrara and La Spezia.

0187 680014
audiovisual Museum of the Resistance
of Massa Carrara and La Spezia Via
of Prato, 12 54035
Fosdinovo (MS)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Thumbs up for Facebook

From today, 16/02/2011, apparently can no longer comment and I like to put on Facebook. All are in crisis, but there is a solution to everything, and I, very calmly and I made a few attempts I managed to reset the comments and I like it. Logically, this procedure will ensure that our friends can comment on our posts, but we can not comment the post of all! However, if our friends will do this procedure, everything will be as before! Coming to the point, but there is no need to follow these simple steps:

  1. click Accounts, top right;
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  4. set the option "chance to comment on the post" to "Friends Only"
  5. Let us return to our home and see that everything is as before.