Sunday, January 31, 2010

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Vcast: TV recordings online!

Quante volte dovete vedere un film in tv o la vostra fiction preferita e magari siete stanchi oppure siete fuori per cena? Quante volte dite agli amici di registrare il film o la fiction in considerazione? Beh, ora con Vcast fate tutto da soli e senza disturbare gli amici! Con i miei consigli potrete prima registrare e poi scaricare il film. Ma veniamo alla pratica.

La registrazione
Andiamo alla pagina di registrazione di Vcast , compiliamo fields (we can also put false name, as hho did), we check on the well accepted the Terms of Use and click on Insert. Now our account has been created. We go to the page Faucet Pvr and fill in the registration (Dvix format recommended) and click on Register. Now the first part is done.

Once registration is completed Vcast gives us a chance to see the recording but not to download it. For this we need a little helper called Free Download Manager that can download from here . Once you download and install will start. We go first to view the recording: we copy the link from the address bar (it's okay that does not start, the important thing is to copy the link). Then we go on Free Download Manager window and click the + icon in the upper left. In the URL field paste the link you just copied, choose the destination folder and click OK. Start automatically download the recorded file. If you want you can then edit the file with a video editor such as Pinnacle Studio.

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A-Patch: a special patch for messenger! Microsoft Internet Explorer Patch

How many of you have 2 or more Windows Live ID? How many can not stand that annoying chirps and that limit their movement on the screen? And those damn ads? And that limit the transfer of files?
That's A-Patch, a patch for Windows Live Messenger 2009 which will remove all these little limitations of Windows Live Messenger 2009. (Do not worry, I personally put the file on Filedropper!)

IMPORTANT: Do not select the "Brief information on the state in the information bar" or the patch impallerà.

To download:
  1. Click on "Download This File".
  2. Write the characters you see in the image above.
  3. Click download now.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sous Chef Cover Letter

For those who still had Microsoft Internet Internet Explorer as the default browser has to know that the browser is vulnerable to attacks by hackers: so Microsoft released a security patch. Download it and install it now from the link below!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cover Letter For Artist

iPad: the jewel of Apple!

Many call him "The computer revolution", other Apple Tablet, others iPad is the newest invention of Apple. On his official page we can already inform us about its characteristics: externally, as we see in the picture below, it is very thin (13.4 mm) IPS has a backlit LED display and a Multi-Touch Ultra-precise surface and weighs only 680 grams. We also know that as the Internet browser will be Safari, one of the best around.

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This is the novelty of Facebook: Facebook Lite.
They say it is a lighter version of the normal facebook.
Zuchenberg In the words of Mark, the creator of the most popular social network in the network "We are currently testing a simplified version of Facebook that includes a specific set of tools to increase the speed and effectiveness in the system, much like the experience that you can achieved with the mobile version of Facebook, the Lite version allows you to make comments, accept friend requests, write on message boards and view other users' photos and status updates. We're testing Facebook Lite in countries where many new users are coming to offer their social networking experience easier. "
You can already try the beta. To see it is very curious. Judge for yourself ...

Monday, January 25, 2010

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Chromepad Lite, a notebook for Google Chrome! The rankings

Looking here on the web, very often one is forced to take notes and to do so we must mark them on a piece of paper.
For this reason, over time, are designed to go through several extensions to integrate the function in question directly in your browser, first of all Firefox.

Today with Chromepad , that is an extension of Google Chrome, it is easily derived from the name, can be integrated directly into their browser, a real notebook, which will make possible to take notes so much practical as it is fast.
In fact, after installing the extension, easily done from the taskbar, we have access to the notebook, the size scalable, stackable web pages and independent of them in order to improve usability, by which we every place you want to type in fact, accessible to restart the browser.

Unfortunately, you do not have the ability to set a text character different from the default one is included, at least for the moment, with an option to add images to your notes, however, despite these small shortcomings, Chromepad be however, to constitute a useful extension (especially for all those engaged in various activities online), so in a very practical to keep track of everything of interest can be displayed during navigation.