Thursday, December 2, 2010

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AttachDBFilename and SQL Server 2008

Se vi dovesse capitare la sventura di voler collegare un database SqlServer express prodotto dal vostro fido Visual studio 2010, nel deploy di un applicazione su un server che ha installato SqlServer2005, passerete una lunga serie di 5 minuti a chiedervi per quale motivo non vada.

Questa stringa di connessione vi verrà in aiuto:
"Data Source=server\istanza;AttachDbFilename='
worry, I'm not lost, it's just a permissions problem.
The error message is: Database diagram support objects
Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to Set
the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

Or in Italian

not install the diagram support objects
database because the database is not a valid owner to continue
first use the Files page of the Properties dialog box
the database or education Alther autorization
to set the owner of the database to a valid login and add objects
support for database diagrams.

Here is the solution from MSDN (SQL.90). Aspx

go USE [database_name]

This will allow you to regain access to your diagrams or create new ones.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Can Satellite Radioantenna Be Used For Gps

Video Download with uTorrent!

WARNING: This is only a guide for information and I take no responsibility for what they do!

Hi everyone!
Today we will discuss how hackers download the video at high speeds with uTorrent!
first need to download uTorrent here and after you install it, configure it so . UTorrent is now ready for download at high speed!

Quindi cercano su Google così: NomeDelFilm Torrent Ita. Vi spiego cosa significa:
  • NomeDelFilm: lo sostituiscono con il nome del film che desiderano cercare.
  • Torrent: è l'estensione di questi piccoli file che, una volta aperti con uTorrent, permetteranno ai pirati di scaricare il film.
  • Ita: sta per Italiano, ovvero la lingua del film. Se il nome del film è Italiano, cercheranno su Google così: NomeDelFilm Torrent.
Ci saranno parecchi siti, come IsoHunt, Monova, Mininova, BtMon, ecc.
Basterà entrare nel sito e cliccare su download torrent. Scaricheranno un piccolo file (quello di cui parlavamo prima con l'estensione torrent) e lo apriranno con uTorrent: quest'ultimo mostrerà ai pirati ciò che andranno a scaricare in una piccola finestra di dialogo; poi, cliccando su ok, i pirati scaricheranno il film.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Frequent Periods Cause

Skype: new software to communicate!

I programmi di messaggistica sono sempre più usati come, per esempio, il tanto amato Windows Live Messenger. Ultimamente sto usando molto un programma che è molto rinomato e mi sta appassionando moltissimo: il suo nome è Skype . E' molto usato poichè ha la particolare funzione di poter parlare tra due computer, But I'm also realizing that an integrated chat feature sophisticated enough, you can make video calls and synchronize your contacts with headings MySpace, Facebook, Gmail and more (non-integrated feature in Windows Live Messenger). I feel very comfortable there and more recently the use of Windows Live Messenger.

Friday, April 30, 2010

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7-Zip: a revolution in compressed archives!

WinRar is free of charge? How to open our files compressed? Give it up?
Guys, you learn that word in my vocabulary is not giving up!
So I suggest you install a free program that reads all types of extensions for compressed archives, lightweight and above all free! The His name is 7-Zip.
Not much to say about this software: we only know that it's fast (both in the compression phase, both in the extraction) and is compatible with all Operating Systems (OS), from Xp, Windows up to the magnificent 7! You can download the setup file from here .

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Learn To Snowboard London

Remember, sometimes by accident.

I do not know what. I do not write from Christmas, since that fateful Christmas has a lot of things connected and disconnected, no day is never an easy day. Maybe every single moment has value unthinkable. Today. From the kitchen
music years ago ... Tiromancino , I open the mailbox and found two symbolic message by.
In the first, Michael, a friend "virtual" site I attach my own mail in 2007, first in South America, and sends me a quick chat. I grumble to myself "what a strange ..". Second
mail, apparently spam with virus attachments, instead of opening it, I find an e-mail itself, in a French just sketched, My friend's Seifuddin Algerian, known in bizarre conditions in Istanbul in 2007 .. he. "How are you brother? All right? Have you forgotten me? I send you a couple of pictures of me .. "Three pictures of him in Istanbul, emaciated face, hair rapati. Strange look.
Boh. Thoughts
overlap. And if I gave him my passport, what would happen? What is now in Greece? Borders, laws, people caught between worlds close but unattainable.

I open messenger, there are two windows of offline messages.
First window: M. "Mbar". Think about it, already .. it seems so long ago ..
Second, Patricia, from Argentina: "hello darling how are you? I left the man with whom I was, I cheated that bad liar, I had a child with him but if he is taken. I still love my little, however, Ana, who is well and is an earthquake. I kiss you. "

What can I say, what to think, what to do.

Immobilized before the reality knocks.
always happens to me, constantly, every day I would say.

later in life, or are they to enter the mine, intensely alive for days, weeks, months, these "passions" and then something always happens. Rupture, starting a fight and everything goes to hell.
Most of the time because of me I admit.
fear of commitment, to address unions because potential sources of postings, I do not know the source of this bad habit, the fact is that I still carry with me whispering to myself the same chant "this is the last time .. the last."

many things left half in the street there without a reason, fled via evanescent.

I even want to give incomplet .....


Thursday, March 25, 2010

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The best email service provider (according to Lorenzo Andrea)!

Friends, today we'll talk about email providers. Almost everyone has
hotmail (including me) to IM and use it as a mailbox.
I must admit that as the mailbox is really pitiful for the interface, both speed and for the characteristics, both the order.
So I invite you to create a new mail as soon as possible. All we ask, which one?
I'll make a list with the best proviser mail:
  • Gmail : besides a box of 7 Gb (if you want you can also increase with the payment), has an unbeatable speed, it is very oridnata and has a nice search engine to find the mail. Among its functions are also integrated antispam and a chat that is available only between Gmail users.
  • Alice: This is a provider that allows you to send big attachments (up to 2 Gb), has a box with 3 GB and the email software you can name Alice Messenger have the same Windows Live, which provides us with the microsoft. It also has an antispam.
  • Free : This provider has a high-speed interface and renovated recently and, like everyone, has the anti-spam. With the latest innovation, you can watch a preview attachments without opening them.
  • Tiscali : This provider is widespread and is competing in Gmail. Indeed, it has as many as 10 GB of space, the possibility of sending big attachments (up to 2 Gb), the usual spam, and even send and receive faxes.

Monday, March 15, 2010

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download songs to mp3 easily and quickly!

Many today do not know what to do to download songs from the Internet. The old eMule has abandoned along with its enormous traffic jams and many other P2P software is very bulky. The solution? Free Download Manager and beemp3 . First download Free Download Manager from here and, once installed, we made the most of things. Then we go up and try beemp3 the title of the song. Click on the first link (which is usually fine) and right there are three characters. We typed in the text box and click on "Download MP3". Now click on the file that appears (nomefile.mp3) and then opens a page with a player. We feel if the song is right: if it is wrong, we return to research and troviamone another, whether it is the right one we take the url and go on Free Download Manager. Click on the "+", paste the URL, select the destination and within seconds we downloaded our song.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Where Can I Find Nice Picteurs Of Vajina

Video from Youtube: new technologies!

Hello guys! The blog returns with a sensational news: download videos from YouTube.
sure many of you reading this promise, they'll think: What the hell, I know I do!
Well, for those who think like this I reply saying it is not always so easy to download a video. You have not thought about the thousands of videos posted on YouTube that are protected? With a simple Keepvid not you download protected video. So for protected video, we need Firefox and its add-on called Fast Video Download. Once installed, restart Firefox and the bottom right corner you will see a new icon. Then we go to see a video on YouTube and just 10 seconds gone, the icon will flash. Click on the icon and display a variety of formats: select the video to *. mp4 and it will appear a window where you can choose your destination. Without this we can do is wait until the download is completed.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

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P2P: New Frontiers!

Friends, do not write for a long time because I was running out of ideas. Then I started thinking about the P2p: who does not use it? I would say no. But the beauty is that everyone still use this jalopy of eMule. You should know that there are many open source software (free) for P2P. One of these is FrostWire, which has an interface much like LimeWire, but on the contrary, FrostWire is free. Another P2P program is uTorrent, which I mentioned in this article . Last but not least, there is Ares, which I considered the best, as well as to download high speed, includes a chat function, music playback, internet browser and more. In addition, it is very light. So the choice is yours: Below are links to their downloads.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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MySpace: a social network left!

With the rise of Facebook, and Twitter Netlog, MySpace has been abandoned and pushed aside by many users. I, being the curious type, I was just writing to see how this social network. I must admit that, even if it is too confusing because of advertising (you can hide with Adblock Plus), is a good social network: first of all you can customize the layout of your profile, which is not made available on Facebook , is made available to a blog, anything that is absent on Facebook and more is available to a music player. Recently, the structure of social networks has been renovated and can also compete with Facebook, given to us is much more orderly than the last and you can share links, photos, video and also representatives of smilies your mood. I can say that MySpace is not abandoned by the rock band, who use it to create a personal profile. Also my band's profile is managed by myself that you can visit by clicking here . The conclusion? Subscribe to MySpace!

Period Starts At Night

Format Factory: a universal converitore!

you ever having to convert a video or audio file? And maybe looking on the internet you found a software-only payment? I suggest a freeware program to convert all (really all): images, video, audio, ISO and more. Format Factory is his name and you can download free from the link below!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

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Vcast: TV recordings online!

Quante volte dovete vedere un film in tv o la vostra fiction preferita e magari siete stanchi oppure siete fuori per cena? Quante volte dite agli amici di registrare il film o la fiction in considerazione? Beh, ora con Vcast fate tutto da soli e senza disturbare gli amici! Con i miei consigli potrete prima registrare e poi scaricare il film. Ma veniamo alla pratica.

La registrazione
Andiamo alla pagina di registrazione di Vcast , compiliamo fields (we can also put false name, as hho did), we check on the well accepted the Terms of Use and click on Insert. Now our account has been created. We go to the page Faucet Pvr and fill in the registration (Dvix format recommended) and click on Register. Now the first part is done.

Once registration is completed Vcast gives us a chance to see the recording but not to download it. For this we need a little helper called Free Download Manager that can download from here . Once you download and install will start. We go first to view the recording: we copy the link from the address bar (it's okay that does not start, the important thing is to copy the link). Then we go on Free Download Manager window and click the + icon in the upper left. In the URL field paste the link you just copied, choose the destination folder and click OK. Start automatically download the recorded file. If you want you can then edit the file with a video editor such as Pinnacle Studio.

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A-Patch: a special patch for messenger! Microsoft Internet Explorer Patch

How many of you have 2 or more Windows Live ID? How many can not stand that annoying chirps and that limit their movement on the screen? And those damn ads? And that limit the transfer of files?
That's A-Patch, a patch for Windows Live Messenger 2009 which will remove all these little limitations of Windows Live Messenger 2009. (Do not worry, I personally put the file on Filedropper!)

IMPORTANT: Do not select the "Brief information on the state in the information bar" or the patch impallerà.

To download:
  1. Click on "Download This File".
  2. Write the characters you see in the image above.
  3. Click download now.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sous Chef Cover Letter

For those who still had Microsoft Internet Internet Explorer as the default browser has to know that the browser is vulnerable to attacks by hackers: so Microsoft released a security patch. Download it and install it now from the link below!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cover Letter For Artist

iPad: the jewel of Apple!

Many call him "The computer revolution", other Apple Tablet, others iPad is the newest invention of Apple. On his official page we can already inform us about its characteristics: externally, as we see in the picture below, it is very thin (13.4 mm) IPS has a backlit LED display and a Multi-Touch Ultra-precise surface and weighs only 680 grams. We also know that as the Internet browser will be Safari, one of the best around.

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This is the novelty of Facebook: Facebook Lite.
They say it is a lighter version of the normal facebook.
Zuchenberg In the words of Mark, the creator of the most popular social network in the network "We are currently testing a simplified version of Facebook that includes a specific set of tools to increase the speed and effectiveness in the system, much like the experience that you can achieved with the mobile version of Facebook, the Lite version allows you to make comments, accept friend requests, write on message boards and view other users' photos and status updates. We're testing Facebook Lite in countries where many new users are coming to offer their social networking experience easier. "
You can already try the beta. To see it is very curious. Judge for yourself ...

Monday, January 25, 2010

What Does Tea Tree Oil Do For Hair

Chromepad Lite, a notebook for Google Chrome! The rankings

Looking here on the web, very often one is forced to take notes and to do so we must mark them on a piece of paper.
For this reason, over time, are designed to go through several extensions to integrate the function in question directly in your browser, first of all Firefox.

Today with Chromepad , that is an extension of Google Chrome, it is easily derived from the name, can be integrated directly into their browser, a real notebook, which will make possible to take notes so much practical as it is fast.
In fact, after installing the extension, easily done from the taskbar, we have access to the notebook, the size scalable, stackable web pages and independent of them in order to improve usability, by which we every place you want to type in fact, accessible to restart the browser.

Unfortunately, you do not have the ability to set a text character different from the default one is included, at least for the moment, with an option to add images to your notes, however, despite these small shortcomings, Chromepad be however, to constitute a useful extension (especially for all those engaged in various activities online), so in a very practical to keep track of everything of interest can be displayed during navigation.