Where am I? because I'm gone? What I have to say now?
As many will know by the end of September I moved to Sicily in the "charming" Misterbianco, a small town (60,000 inhabitants of now) that gave birth to most of my relatives and ancestors dates from immemorial ..
Why am I here? I wonder every time something goes wrong in a few words .. well my grandmother is sick and being the last link of my noble birth I find myself having to deal with all family members Rogne silently accumulated over decades of careless management of the house and any movable and immovable, then the sleeves rimboccatemi I had to put in banks, notaries, lawyers and nursing homes.
as I was, and pieces began to fall on top of home plate in a surprise when I got up from the table to go to the bathroom, I have also seen fit to embark on an adventure to save the salvageable building and modernizing both modernization to give a healthy profit and a minimum to my beautiful house.
Unfortunately my mood depends on the mood of my grandmother, which from its nearly 88 years and a rapid increase in Alzheimer's, decides arbitrarily to influence my days ..
But worse is that often pate all pissed off early in the morning .. (but I do not believe you just shut the fuck spells pc old!)
aside, ups and downs in mood and in everyday life is constantly happening.
After a month I was going to go crazy here I felt the urgent need to flee, to detach, to take a break from it all and also by myself .. and that's how I took advantage of a call and found myself once again in Turkey (for the first time in the air by the way!), the marriage of My dear friend Omur
But he could not end like this .. new shocks waiting for you always when you least expect, and indeed even when you call them.
And I am happy in spite of everything because we think that makes sense.
Then I came back, a brief foray Padua Dabba's birthday fell in the days of waiting for the second volo..e di nuovo Sicilia.
Pietro, la mia macchina, gli impegni, il parcheggio che non si trova mai nelle strette strade a senso unico di questo paese dove tra strisce blu, passi carrabili e posti handicap
E poi mi ritrovo ad emozionarmi di cose che fino a poco tempo fa non mi toccavano minimamente, nuove incredibili sensibilità si risvegliano e nn ci trovo un senso ma insomma..vabbè emozionarsi davanti a una foto come questa dove Ataturk il vampiro diventa un uomo come tutti gli altri
Paternò night I walk back from the slow road to not peck another penalty for speeding, and passing at the center of the huge you would not throw the eye and the dark of night, illuminated by his lights like stars in a sky tediously sorted vertical glass seems so fake and perfect, but the moonlight penetrates beyond those curious windows and exposes the poor beast of concrete glass and steel stripping l'opera in elementi così semplici e netti da colpire l'occhio abituato all'estrema varietà del creato.
Come dire che un grigio palazzone di cemento in realtà e molto più comprensibile e semplice di un fiore e in ciò si nasconde una bellezza compassionevole.
Chissà forse è solo un mio delirio visto che è sempre notte fonda quando lo vedo così..ma ogni opera umana nasconde questa umile semplicità e per quano ci sforziamo di fare cose complicate le nostre menti hanno un limite, mentre la potenza creatrice della natura non ne ha. Poco da farci!
Ok sto per crollare dal sonno e dal freddo..auguro a tutti un Buon Natale e buone feste..e sopratutto ATTENTI AL CAPODANNO!