Friday, December 21, 2007

Can I Watch Sharks On Dish Network?

Polling connections

Microsoft organizza una serie di eventi in tutta italia per presentare e illustrare i dettagli della nuova suite di sviluppo basata sul framework . Net
not to be missed!
and watch recordings of the webcast.

Otherwise, if you want to start putting his nose in sharepoint 2007 # filelist

Loyal back is lost ...

Monday, December 10, 2007

Jazzy Wheelchair Wiring Diagram

Visual Studio 2008 is coming! Making your own

information is useful when is at least one recipient.
publishing articles on a blog that no one knows it is not very useful!

There are several services to advertise their blog, here are some:

Other interesting information at

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Watch The Emas In America

blog visible is not always easy

A new feature recently advertised and then little known and used are the conditional breakpoint. When
happen to have to debug only under certain conditions, such as inside a loop, or only when there is a particular condition, you can set a conditional breackpoint, which interrupts executing code only all'avverarsi a particular condition. breackpoint Enter the desired line, right-click on the red circle that appears and select from the drop-down "condition

" this window will appear.

is possible to insert a boolean condition, for example, the loop counter is 100, or by typing an expression, and selecting has changed the
breackpoint triggered only if the value has changed. breackpoint Other options:
Hit Count: breackpoint activates only the nth step
Filter: breackpoint applies only to the particular condizioni, es: nome della macchina, del thread, id del thread,ecc
When hit : quando l'esecuzione passa dal breackpoint è possibile eseguire un logging dell'operazione o eseguire una macro di visual studio, decidendo se lasciar proseguire o bloccare l'esecuzione sull'istruzione corrente

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Xanax And Alcohol Party Effects

Advanced breackpoint in visual studio net

Creando particolari chiavi di registro è possibile da un link posizione su una pagina web eseguire la propria applicazione passando parametri.
Esattamente come fa Emule quando si clicca su un link ed2k://filedascaricare. Create un file di registro con questo contenuto (personalizzatelo secondo le vostre esigenze) e importatelo nel vostro registro di sistema
@="URL: ESTENSIONE Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""




@="\"c:\\programmi\\percorso\\programma.exe\" \\ "% 1 \\" "
" OldDefault "=" \\ "c: \\ \\ Program Files \\ \\ path \\ \\ program.exe \\" \\ "% 1 \\" "


EXTENSION "is the protocol to associate with your application
At this point to verify that the operation is successful, open Internet Explorer and how to set address "extension: / /" While
in your HTML links are simply links to the software

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Are People That Get Tattos Stupid

Run your application from a link

window when your application form is registered for the initiation of a type of file is useful to open files within the same application, even if the program is already running well to integrate seamlessly with Windows.
The association is valid for both extensions to link eg mylink: / / In our view, it is necessary that the application is defined as a single istance, then click on "View Application Events"

will be added to the project file
ApplicationEvents.vb , select the item from the menu of events StartupNextInstance this:

Sender The parameter will be the new instance and the parameter and contains some details including the command line passed!

At this point we have all the information necessary to open the requested file in the current instance.

Is The Ct Driving Test Hard

open associated files in the current

Dovento exploit the mechanisms of internal serialization you can run into a problem.
When the class has to be serialized events run by non-serializable object (eg a form window) serialization crashes.
Everything comes from the impossibility to declare serializable events. Following the instructions from
Using the extended event declaration can be used a double list of objects that handle events generated class, the objects serializzabili e quelli non serializzabili.

Private mNonSerializableHandlers As New Generic.List(Of EventHandler)
Private mSerializableHandlers As New Generic.List(Of EventHandler)
Public Custom Event NameChanged As EventHandler
AddHandler(ByVal value As EventHandler)
If value.Target.GetType.IsSerializable Then
If mNonSerializableHandlers Is Nothing Then
mNonSerializableHandlers = _
New Generic.List(Of EventHandler)()
End If
End If

RemoveHandler AddHandler (ByVal value As EventHandler) If
value.Target.GetType.IsSerializable Then
mSerializableHandlers.Remove (value) Else

mNonSerializableHandlers.Remove (value) End If


End RaiseEvent (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) For Each item As EventHandler
In mNonSerializableHandlers
item.Invoke (sender, e)

Next For Each item As EventHandler In mSerializableHandlers
item.Invoke (sender, e) End RaiseEvent

Next End Event

In this way the problem was around, needless to say that the syntax is quite extensive, effort pays off serialization.
If there are events with parameters, you must weigh down even further, using a delegate:

Private mNonSerializableHandlers As New Generic.List (Of On_Progress)
Private mSerializableHandlers As New Generic.List (Of On_Progress) Public Delegate Sub
On_Progress (ByVal status As String, ByVal progress As Integer) Public Custom Event Progress As On_Progress
AddHandler (ByVal value As On_Progress) If value.Target.GetType.IsSerializable Then
If mNonSerializableHandlers Is Nothing Then
mNonSerializableHandlers = New Generic.List(Of On_Progress)()
End If
End If

End AddHandler

RemoveHandler(ByVal value As On_Progress)
If value.Target.GetType.IsSerializable Then
End If
End RemoveHandler
RaiseEvent(ByVal status As String, ByVal progress As Integer)
For Each item As On_Progress In mNonSerializableHandlers
item.Invoke(status, progress)
For Each item As On_Progress In mSerializableHandlers
item.Invoke(status, progress)
End RaiseEvent
End Event

In questo modo è possibile serializzare e deserializzare la nostra classe

Dim FS As New System.IO.FileStream("c:\prova.wbp", FileMode.OpenOrCreate) As New BinaryFormatter Dim
BinFormatter.Serialize (FS, myClassWithEvents)

' Deserialize Dim FS As New System.IO.FileStream
(file, FileMode.Open) Dim
BinFormatter As New BinaryFormatter
BinFormatter.Deserialize (FS)

Friday, September 7, 2007

Used Car Tow Dolly Sale

Serializing a class with events

A Sometimes you get the html code produced by any WebControl, is a native CustomControl or control. net such as the GridView.
For example if you wanted to email the result of binding a gridview you can use this simple function
Private Function GetControlRendererHTML (ByVal Control As Control) As String Dim

SB As New StringBuilder () Dim SW As New System.IO.StringWriter
(SB) Dim
htmlTW As New HtmlTextWriter (SW) Control.RenderControl (htmlTW)

Dim HTML As String = SB.ToString ()

Return End Function HTML