Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Why More Aroused On Period

get the HTML from a WebControl

Conditions: Gridview CommandField with a column for the removal, with the option ButtonType = "Image". In some cases, the event "RowDeleting" runs two times in a row, creating many problems.
fact, if there is a gridview in single row, double execution to an error rate; but if there are 2 or more rows, they will be deleted 2 per click. The bug, acknowledged by Microsoft, currently does not have an official fix, probably will be corrected in a future service pack. b) instead of TemplateField column CommandField use a column in this way

\u0026lt;asp: ImageButton ID = "ImageButton1" runat = "server" CausesValidation = "False" CommandName = "Delete"
ImageUrl = "~ / admin / images / delete.gif" AlternateText = "Delete" OnClientClick = "return confirm ('Remove from Cart')" />
\u0026lt;/ ItemTemplate> \u0026lt; / asp: TemplateField>

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Ginkgo Biloba For Pulmonary Fibrosis

GridView Events BUG! RowDeleting event firing twice

Some new features built into 2 make more usable the data entry form without having to resort to additional scritp Js.
Through the use of panel you can set different default button in different areas of a page.
Classic esempio, la form di imputazione dati per effettuare il log in e la textbox per effettuare una ricerca. Se sono sulla stessa pagina, quando si preme invio all'interno di un textbox verrà eseguito l'evento associato ad uno dei due bottone in input.

<form defaultbutton=“button1” runat=“server”>
<asp:button id=“button1” text=“bottone1” runat=“server”/>
\u0026lt;asp:panel defaultbutton="button2" runat="server"> \u0026lt;asp:textbox id="cerca" runat="server"/>
\u0026lt;asp: button id = "Button2" runat = "server" />
\u0026lt;/ asp: Panel>
\u0026lt;/ form>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

Monday, February 20, 2006

When To Clean Alcohol Stills


order to successfully use the formatting in a column of a GridView and set the property HtmlEncode = false and set the desired size: